利益区域 The Zone of Interest (2023) 第96届奥斯卡最佳外语片提名,第76届戛纳电影节评审团大奖。电影讲述了奥斯维辛集中营的指挥官鲁道夫·霍斯和他的妻子海德薇格在集中营旁的一所房子里和花园中为他们的家庭...
I’m not convinced thatThe Zone of Interest, the first film in a decade from provocateur Jonathan Glazer, is a film about the banality of evilper se. It’s more of a horrific record of the banality — and that distinction matters. To put it another way, it is too simple to frame th...
You can subscribe to receiveemails and text message alertsfor marine topics that interest you. It's easy to unsubscribe at any time. Your contact information will remain confidential. Three different lists of interest to ocean enthusiasts are available: bottomfish, halibut and ocean salmon. Bottomf...
Here is a new hybrid of Windsurfing, Kiting, SUP and foiling (or not). Wingfoiling (windfoiling or wing surfing, whatever name eventually sticks) is just getting started. It has a lot of interest and enthusiasm from wind and water lovers. Here is a new area to discuss it. ...
Since sandbars patterns are characterised by a length comparable to the width of the surf zone (from tens to hundreds of meters) and they are usually subtidal, their morphodynamics are difficult to measure in detail. The introduction of video-imaging techniques that show plan-view bar patterns ...
The method according to the invention comprises:- a step (E22) of splitting said geographical search zone into contiguous geographical subzones; - a step (E24) of obtaining the number of centres of interest contained in each of said geographical subzones; and - a step (E26) of despatching...
(2008) and location of the study area. 1–Quaternary sediments; 2–Cameroon Line volcanism; 3–Cameroon Line plutonism; 4–Mesozoic sediments (Benue through); 5–Late syntectonic sub-alkaline granitoids; 6–Lom syntectonic basin (meta-sediments, conglomerates, volcanic ashes and lavas); 7–...
The first and simplest approach to online sample preconcentration is zone sharpening by stacking. Proteins dissolved in a buffer with a conductivity lower than that of the run buffer (commonly, the diluted run buffer) become concentrated at the interface between the sample and the run buffer due ...
All of these match parameters are configured under lists within the firewall security policy. Note, the lists of Interest specific to the firewall policy include application, data prefix and zones. Zone Pair For a firewall policy to take effect, you include it in the definition of a ...
The widespread and locally massive introgression of Y chromosomes of the eastern house mouse (Mus musculus musculus) into the range of the western subspecies (M. m. domesticus) in Central Europe calls for an explanation of its underlying mechanisms. Give