höss, commandant of auschwitz, in the zone of interest , out in theaters december 15. photo: emilio madrid save save it’s surely the most provocative movie you’ll see this year. the zone of interest , by the british filmmaker jonathan glazer—his first movie in a decade—is a ...
The game has developed in ways that don't really interest me and the business model feels outright predatory and short sighted. I enjoy playing the game with friends and that's about it. Unfortunately I have never met quite so many obnoxious gamers than when playing Magic in game stores. ...
recent years by the movieKing of Kong. When the original owner finally stepped down, the organization, its name, web site, score database and forums, were sold to a group of collectors. Varied drama ensued for a couple of years with the site being re-launched once or twice, only to di...
The game has developed in ways that don't really interest me and the business model feels outright predatory and short sighted. I enjoy playing the game with friends and that's about it. Unfortunately I have never met quite so many obnoxious gamers than when playing Magic in game stores. ...
"I played a bigot, and what actor doesn't like playing a bigot?! Being in that milieu, of "The Twilight Zone", you knew immediately that you were working in a first class environment and knew that it would become, and already was, the greatest TV series of all time. No question ...
I give this two stars for the Dr. Caligari like set design and a funny profane ABC song. The rest of it is unwatchable would be wanna be but ain't cult movie. Though it's in bad taste to mention this the main topless woman (and she's topless for the whole movie) has one breast...
While lounging at Comfort zone near airport The Ceo, begin your vacation by checking out the nearest points of interest that are within walking distance to the property which include Medan Nipah Neighbourhood Park and Lorong Nipah 3 Pocket Park. ...
I had been fascinated with the idea of making simple stereo encoder for building Stereo FM Transmitter. Not that stereo means much to me away from the computer. I use an FM broadcast transmitter to relay the output of my computers to FM radios in the kitchen, the bedroom, the driveway, ...
electronics, home decor, and more. After a day of shopping, treat yourself to a delicious meal at one of the mall's many restaurants or catch a movie at the cineplex. Queensbay Mall is truly a shopper's paradise that should not be missed during your stay at Comfort zone near airport ...
The Van Voorhis narration was stodgy and the titles look like something out of a B movie. It was soon changed to a series of landscapes fading in and out, and with a different narrator. Who'd have thought that the series’ creator would have the perfect voice? But it only made sense...