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Then, the feature map was convolved with the Gaussian operator to calculate its edge detection function. The edge detection functions of all feature maps were multiplied with the corresponding feature map weights, and the sum of the results was the edge detection function of the ultrasound image....
Woody ornamental plants comprise a large number of genera, species, and cultivars that display a huge amount of phenotypic diversity. New introductions mainly result from natural existing variation or from selections in open-pollinated populations. Syste
Herbal medicine has been used for the treatment of human and livestock ailments since ancient times. Numerous rural and urban communities in Ethiopia practice traditional medicine and transfer the knowledge verbally from generation to generation. Thus, t
0.16 m × 0.16 m × 0.12 mNoYoung hibiscusInvestigate its optimized electrode configurations to map conductive and resistive zones with fine roots of small plants.No/NoAttia al Hagrey and Petersen (2011) Surface (1 × 48/6 × 8); Dipole-dipole; 2D/3D ERTOpen...
T. coreanumplants were harvested 5 days after the RZTC treatments. The fresh and dry weights of theT. coreanumleaves and roots were measured using an electronic scale. Leaf area per plant was measured using a leaf area meter model LI-3100 (LI-COR Biosciences, Lincoln, NE, USA). Root ...
Climatic variables have been the most commonly used environmental data in transfer zone development, even though soils are also a primary selective force on plants. We assessed the importance of including soils in seed transfer zones using Bromus marginatus, a native grass used for restoration and ...
Heat map color coding is applied separately to each gene subgroup. The underlined gene names indicate the baits for co-expression analysis. The genes co-expressed with maize primary cell wall CesAs are labelled in blue, and genes co-expressed with secondary cell wall CesAs are labelled in red...
To map the LCZs of 2000 and 2019 in the PRD region (first column in Fig.2), we presented an adjusted workflow using a cloud-based Google Earth Engine (GEE) platform: (1) various pre-processed Earth observation data in the GEE archive were selected and post-processed using GEE’s client...
Map of West Africa showing climatological zones Full size image The Sudano-Sahelian climate is semi-arid with a long dry season and a short rainy season with heavy and variable rainfall events. The vegetation in the WAS region is largely influenced by climate, as well as low soil fertility ...