Zone 9 has warm temperatures and a long growing season that suits many tropical and subtropical plants. Even with plants that grow as perennials in Zones 10 to 12, you can grow them as annuals in zone 9. For spring planting, start the seeds indoors 4 to 6 weeks before the threat of t...
Planting zones are most helpful to gardeners growingperennial plantssince they live beyond just one growing season, regrowing each spring. Perennials need to be able to survive winter in your area, so it’s essential to know how cold it typically gets in your area and whether a particular pl...
Planting Zones Here are the hummingbird flower planting zones 1 through 10 listed below with our easy to follow step by step guide to help with your garden planning. Compare minimum temperatures to choose the right zone for your location. You will find a list of flowers and plants that ...
First and foremost, you can always plant them as an annual and buy new ones every spring. If you want to (try to) grow them as perennials, it will require more time and effort; they’ll need extra protection to survive the winter. Keeping out-of-zone perennials alive through the winter...
Perennials: Cut flowers for fresh use or drying. Remove spent blooms. Pinch perennials as needed to control growth and encourage bushy growth. Thin out overgrown plantings. Prune back Arabis, Aubrieta, and perennial candytuft as soon as they have finished flowering. Pinch stem tips off chrysanthem...