In this article, we will be going over when to start vegetable seeds for gardening zone 8b, including indoor seed starting, seeds directly sown in the garden as well as winter sowing. Garden Zone 8b Planting Guide Knowing when to start seed in your garden, is a question that many new gar...
Below is our forecast of temperatures for the next month and I have to say that the NOAA has been right on with their forecast of this winter. This gives me hope that we are out of the woods for any truly arctic weather. As we all know in the PNW spring is a whole different animal...
1. Bigroot Geranium This hardy plant grows in large colonies. Its leaves are bright green and lobed. As a perennial, its bloom season is long, making it a great addition to your garden. Its saucer-shaped flowers as well as its hardiness to different types of soil make it popular among ...
Planting zones are essential to your garden, but they aren’t the know-all-end-all. There are other pieces to the gardening puzzle. It’s important to understand each piece because knowing your zone and planting at the proper time for your zone will not equate to success without these esse...