Movilidad intergeneracional educativa en zonas urbanas y rurales de Colombia: Igualdad de oportunidades?This article presents the results of measuring intergenerational educational mobility in urban and rural areas in Colombia. Using transitional matrices, it was found evidence ...
Trayectorias tóxicas: habitar, migrar y asentarse en zonas de sacrificio rurales y urbanasdoi:10.17141/letrasverdes.32.2022.5306ETHNOLOGYINDIGENOUS peoplesCADASTRAL mapsCENSUSTELEPHONE interviewingThis article analyses and describes two different but similar scenarios ...
ANLISIS COMPARATIVO DEL DESARROLLO NEUROPSICOLGICO EN NIOS BILINGES Y MONOLINGES DE ZONAS URBANAS Y RURALES DE AREQUIPA EN FUNCIN DE LA LATERALIDADdoi:10.7714/CNPS/13.3.207In the present paper, we analyze the differences in the neuropsychological development according to hand...