METROPOLITAN areasLATITUDEDEFINITIONSThis article discusses metropolitan development in Mexico and presents a methodological proposal for the delimitation of the country's metropolitan areas in 2020. The reflection refers to the patterns of territorial distribution of the population, while...
Los adultos mayores en las zonas metropolitanas de Mexico: desigualdad socioeconomica y distribucion espacial, 1990-2005. Papeles de Poblacion 17(70): 81-124.JASSO, P.B.; MONTOYA, J.; y CADENA, E. Los adultos mayores en las zonas metropolita- nas de Mexico: desigualdad socioeconomica ...
METROPOLITAN areasLABOR marketWe estimate the impact of rural-urbanmigration from the period 2010- 2015 on informality in metropolitan areas of Mexico. The estimation of ordinary least squares does not establish any effect, while the esti- mation with instrumental variables finds t...