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Statistics Type (Optional) Specifies the statistic type to be calculated. All—All of the statistics will be calculated. This is the default. Mean—The average of all cells in the value raster that belong to the same zone as the output cell will be calculated. Majority—The va...
A field or series of fields will be created in the output table depending on the Statistics Type parameter setting (statisticType in Python). The name of the field is the same as the Statistics type for arithmetic statistics calculation. This is the default. However, for circular s...
All—All of the statistics will be calculated. This is the default. Mean—The average of all cells in the value raster that belong to the same zone as the output cell will be calculated. Majority—The value that occurs most often for all cells in the value raster that belong to the sam...
ZonalStatisticsAsTable(in_zone_data, zone_field, in_value_raster, out_table, {ignore_nodata}, {statistics_type}, {process_as_multidimensional}, {percentile_values}) Parameter Explanation Data Type in_zone_data The dataset that defines the zones. The zones can be defined by an integer raster...
Zonal Statistics as Table is a raster analysis tool that summarizes the values of a raster within the zones of another dataset and reports the results as a table.
ArcPy 批处理之 [ hdf转tif ]; [ Con函数 ]; 镶嵌至新栅格 [ Mosaic to New Raster ]; 重投影[ Reproject ]; 按掩膜提取[ Extract by Mask ]; [ 按条件乘积 ]; 以表格显示分区统计[ Zonal Statistics As Table ];汇总属性表 一、 ArcPy 批量将文件夹内的 *.hdf 文件转为 *.tif 文件:...
ArcGIS 自带的 Zonal Statistics As Table 在分区统计栅格面积时很好用,但是这个工具只能针对栅格,不能针对矢量。 最近有这个需求,所以就做了一个,基本都是 ArcPy 的自带函数,输入的参数和 Zonal Statistics As Table 高度类似,在此不作详细解释,请君查看代码。
该错误,主要是针对在使用Zonal Statistics as Table工具时修改了保存路径而发生的错误 在ArcGIS中执行Zonal Statistics as Table工具时,设置完参数后 (参数设置时,修改了存储位置,没有使用默认位置) 点击运行,出现如下图的错误: 解决方法: 1.点击File→Map Document Properties 2.在弹出的窗口中,看到最下面部... ...
This tool is now available inMap Viewer, the modern map-making tool inArcGIS Enterprise. To learn more, seeZonal Statistics as Table (Map Viewer). To run this tool, the organization must beconfigured for raster analytics. If you do not see this tool inMap Viewer Classic, contact your organi...