>devs would rather waste two years on bull balls and leather crafting than fixing something important like the dogshit combat woah 2 years ago Reply sleepkiller In a zombie apocalypse or after the great reset/economical collapse I will stalk survivors to kill them in their sleep, or make frie...
{ "DisplayName":"Allow Sleep", "Category":"Project Zomboid:stadia_controller", "Subcategory":"Gameplay:joystick:2", "Description":"If enabled, players are allowed to sleep when tired, but do not need to", "Keywords":"sleep,SleepAllowed", "FieldName":"SleepAllowed", "Input...
E:\Project.Zomboid.Build.41.12>SET PZ_CLASSPATH=jinput.jar;lwjgl.jar;lwjgl_util.jar;sqlite-jdbc-;uncommons-maths-1.2.3.jar;trove-3.0.3.jar;javacord-2.0.17-shaded.jar;guava-23.0.jar;jassimp.jar;./ E:\Project.Zomboid.Build.41.12>".\jre64\bin\java.exe" -Dzomboid.steam=...
Vehicles can be found outside homes and in parking lots – while keys can be found in nearby homes, in the vehicle itself or on the floor. Hotwiring is also a skill option. Players can replace spare parts, tyres, suspension, brakes and more – all of which can be damaged by situations...
I am really excited to see some NPCs, it gives you something that is a little different from the inevitable loot-sleep-loot-sleep-loot routine. I check back every 2 hours or so waiting for this update XD Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote Coaladunga - Aug 9 2013 - 5 comments We...
false, "ParamFieldName":"SleepAllowed", "IncludeInCommandLine":false, "DefaultValue":"false", "EnumValues":{ "True":"true", "False":"false" } }, { "DisplayName":"Require Sleep", "Category":"PZ Gameplay Settings", "Description":"If enabled, players become tired and need ...