zomboid_server | [---] Failed to apply update, reverting... zomboid_server | Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - local build zomboid_server | -- type 'quit' to exit -- zomboid_server | Loading Steam API...OK zomboid_server | @ShutdownOnFailedCommand 0 zomboid_server | "@Sh...
console Allows access the output of the game server console. cmd [args] Executes the 1 argument as a command on the game server. kickusers Kicks all players from the server. delfile [args] Deletes selected Project Zomboid files. map [args] Manipulates with map chunk files. range [args] ...
ClickSaveandStartyour server. You have now installed mods on your server! If you wish to enable map mods, see below. Enabling Map Mods Note:When installing map mods, please ensure they are firstly entered in both theWorkshopItemsandModssections from the steps above. ...
If you would like your server to have only one predefined spawn point, you can set a fixed spawn point using your server's control panel. Note:Project Zomboid requires three coordinates in the configuration file, but you only need to use the first two. The third number is for the he...
ServerPlayerID= # The port for the RCON (Remote Console)\nMinimum=0 Maximum=65535 Default=27015 RCONPort=27015 # RCON password (Pick a strong password) RCONPassword= # Enables global text chat integration with a Discord channel DiscordEnable=false # Discord bot access token DiscordToken= # Th...
Skip navigation links Overview Package Class Tree Deprecated Index Help Summary: Nested | Field | Constr | Method Detail: Field | Constr | Method SEARCH: Package zombie.commands.serverCommands Class TeleportCommand java.lang.Object zombie.commands.CommandBase zombie.commands.serverCommands.TeleportCommand...
adduser:You can use this command to bring a new user to a whitelisted server. Eg: /adduser “username” “pwd” quit:quit command is used to quit the current server in which you are surviving against the zombies. chopper:chopper command is used to turn on the engine of the chopper. ...
Server Commands: !server_cmdAllows you to send inputs to the server console. (!server_cmd [text]) !server_msgBroadcasts a message to all players in the server. (!server_msg "[message]") !start_serverStarts the server. (!start_server) ...
{ "DisplayName":"Admin Password", "Category":"Project Zomboid:stadia_controller", "Subcategory":"Server:dns:1", "Description":"Sets the in-game \"admin\" user password (not the server password). Set before first running the server, or you will be prompted to do so in the...
{ "DisplayName":"Admin Password", "Category":"PZ Server Settings", "Description":"Sets the in-game \"admin\" user password (not the server password). Set before first running the server, or you will be prompted to do so in the console", "Keywords":"admin,password,adminpa...