Map introduction: -- 歡迎來到喪屍孤島 你因為飛機事故墜落在一座佈滿喪屍的孤島上,你需要用盡島上的提供的資源生存下去。 您將獨自生活在一個充滿殭屍的小島上。 每天晚上,殭屍都會開始覆蓋整個島嶼。 您需要利用日照時間來探索整個島嶼。 一到晚上,您將要盡力生存直到死為止。
Keep Moving: With zombies able to break blocks and survive daylight, staying in one place too long can be a death sentence. Stay Updated: Regularly visit the community Discord for updates and tips on how to best navigate the ever-evolving challenges of the modpack. Plan for the Long Term:...
Version 1.0 Download: Manual 1 items Last updated 16 September 20214:06PM Original upload 17 May 20218:48PM Created by Oblivion Mods Uploaded by pipermacleod Virus scan Safe to use Tags for this mod Tag this mod Description Files4 Images1 ...
((PathNavigateGround)this.getNavigator()).setBreakDoors(true); ((PathNavigateGround)this.getNavigator()).setAvoidsWater(true);this.tasks.addTask(0,newEntityAISwimming(this));this.tasks.addTask(1,newEntityAIAvoidEntity(this,EntityZombie.class,8.0F,0.6D,0.6D));this.tasks.addTask(1,newEntityA...
itemEntity == Blocks.cobblestone || itemEntity == Blocks.stonebrick && newBrewStack ==0) && BlockProtect.canBreak(mop.blockX, mop.blockZ, mop.blockY,super.worldObj)) {if(itemEntity == Blocks.stone) {super.worldObj.setBlock(mop.blockX, mop.blockY, mop.blockZ, Blocks.monster_egg,0,3...
Create a single biome world of one of the previously mentioned biomes, on creative mode (or go to The End). Set the difficulty to Hard. Set command blocks to constantly kill any mob that is not either a zombie or the player (you cannot execute the command/gamerule doMobSpawning false, as...
blocks. The clarification that I'm looking for is whether that includes the block you're in or not - that is, if you were to groan at a single survivor for example, would it only be heard on your block, or would it be heard on the adjacent 8 blocks as well, for 9 blocks total...
This is a functional axe you can use it to chop wood and also use it as a weapon,but it is very slow to break the blocks I will fix this in the next updates!. :craft This is Crowbar she is a weapon that has considerable damage, and very efficient!
Is there really no way to mod food, hunger or weapon durability? I use this mod and even with the mod the game is still very hard, food runs out fast, weapons break fast, it's hard to balance them I think the only working mods are dumb e...
Is there really no way to mod food, hunger or weapon durability? I use this mod and even with the mod the game is still very hard, food runs out fast, weapons break fast, it's hard to balance them I think the only working mods are dumb ...