全球金融生态体系的货币流动 本文为对Zoltan Pozsar的PPT——How the Financial System Works-A Map of Money Flows in the Global Financial Ecosystem所做的批注,翻译行为得到原作者许可。 第一部分-货币的层级(The Hierarchy of Money) 四大核心机构(P2-P6) 作者首先绘制了一个坐标轴,并分为四个区域,区域内分...
全球金融生态体系的货币流动之二 本文为对Zoltan Pozsar的PPT——How the Financial System Works-A Map of Money Flows in the Global Financial Ecosystem所做的批注,翻译行为得到原作者许可。 第一部分翻译点击此处访问。 第二部分-货币可得性的层级(The Hierarchy of Access) 此处的Access亦有“使用权”,“入口...
Pozsar and Harris suggest that the global financial system is undergoing a transformation comparable to the Bretton Woods era due to various economic factors and changing geopolitical landscapes. gorilla tag on Thu, 11th Jan 2024 9:36 pm Yra Harris has been an internationally renowned macro analyst...
Zoltan.Pozsar@treasury.gov 14-04|July2,2014 OFFICEOFFINANCIALRESEARCH .treasury.gov/OFR 2 ShadowBanking: TheMoneyView ByZoltanPozsar 1 OfficeofFinancialResearch 1 Senioradvisor,OfficeofFinancialResearch,U.S.Treasury.Email:zoltan.pozsar@treasury.gov.Thispaperbenefitedfrom ...
金融体系如何运作 How the Financial System Works - A map of money flows in the global financial ecosystem 文件电子版本: OFRwp2014-04_Pozsar_ShadowBankingTheMoneyView_Attachment.pdf (financialresearch.gov)www.financialresearch.gov/working-papers/files/OFRwp2014-04_Pozsar_ShadowBankingTheMoneyView_...