XmlDocument doc=new XmlDocument(); StringReader sr=new StringReader(textBox1.Text); Xml...
Zoho CRM Bulk Import Import data in bulk to any standard modules in zoho CRM. Database Connector Establish an instant database connection between your Catalyst application and an external database management system. Stripe Payments Integration Handle billing, checkout and payment functionalities in your...
Zoho CRM安全白皮书(2022年).pdf,Zoho CRM 安全白皮书 目录 Table of Contents 01 数据安全是企业数字化转型 04 Zoho的加密安全管理体系 无法绕开的关键话题 4.1 什么是加密 1.1从数字经济到数据安全立法 我们为什么要加密您的数据 1.2 企业如何应对数据安全带来的挑战 我们
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{ "folders": [ { "author_name": "", "is_res_shared": false, "encattr_res_name": "Discussion", "enc_res_name": "Discussion", "shared_users": [], "parent_folder_id": "crmworkspace", "is_folder": true, "encattr_author_name": "", "subfolder": false, "opened": true, "...
Your web browser (Internet Explorer) is looking a little retro.Try one of these to have a better experience on Zoho Desk. Use latest three version for below mentioned browsers Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Microsoft Edge Safari Opera Neon
Zoho CRM [アーティクル] 2024/11/22 6 人の共同作成者 フィードバック このアプリに表示する情報のカテゴリを選択します。 一般 データ処理 セキュリティ コンプライアンス プライバシー ID 最終更新日: 2023 年 7 月 11 日 Teams ストアで表示する AppSource で表示する 一般...
5th August: If the Registration Form contains First Name and Last Name fields, then appointments booked through Zoho CRM plugin will now populate the respective First Name and Last Name fields in Zoho CRM. Enhancements 5th August: Workspace Booking Page URL to remain unchanged even when the Work...
Educational resources to move your work forward Browse Apps by Name -Z-Zoho WorkDrive Zoho WorkDrive Zoho WorkDrive is an online team file manager. It gives you a secure, shared workspace, new ways to share files, and simplifies team management....