Ad-free Business Email Hosting with a clean, easy-to-use interface. Integrated Business Calendar, Contacts, Notes, Tasks. Free for up to 5 users.
Instructions on signing up with a Zoho Mail account, login procedures and changing primary email addresses.
打开链接,因为我们要注册使用的是域名邮箱,所以这里选择 Business Email;如果要注册的是 个人邮箱,这里就选择 Personal Email。点击 SIGN UP FOR FREE 点击SIGN UP FOR FREE 按钮之后,打开下图页面,ZOHO邮箱提供了几个不同套餐的域名邮箱服务,页面最上面是付费套餐选择。
Ad-free Business Email Hosting with a clean, easy-to-use interface. Integrated Business Calendar, Contacts, Notes, Tasks. Free for up to 5 users.
ZOHO有大陆版和国际版两个版本,主要区别应该是数据中心一个在大陆,一个在海外。这里我注册国际版的。打开链接,因为我们要注册使用的是域名邮箱,所以这里选择 Business Email;如果要注册的是 个人邮箱,这里就选择 Personal Email。点击 SIGN UP FOR FREE ...
Ad-free Business Email Hosting with a clean, easy-to-use interface. Integrated Business Calendar, Contacts, Notes, Tasks. Free for up to 5 users.
点击“Sign Up for Business Email”(注册企业邮箱)按钮,开始创建你的企业邮箱账户。 选择套餐 浏览Zoho提供的企业邮箱套餐,根据你的企业规模和需求选择合适的套餐。轻量版每年每5个账号300元,高级版每年每个账号200元。 上传企业信息 提供必要的企业信息,包括企业名称、联系人信息、企业法人身份证件、营业执照副本等。
打开Zoho国际版企业邮箱注册网址:,选择‘Business Email’ PS:打开上述网站会出现:‘如需使用中国当地服务器,请访问’字样,一定记得点击右侧的‘X’关闭掉。 如上图所示,Name填写公司或个人名字都可以,然后填写你的常用邮箱,用来接收动态验证码的,这里设置的密码就是...
Digital signature add-in for Microsoft Outlook - e-sign documents online directly from mail inbox Zoho Sign for Microsoft Outlook is an add-in that vastly improves collaboration on business paperwork via email. You can easily sign documents online or send them for signature using Zoho Sign directl...
Hi, I'm using Zoho webmail and it's working fine for me, except we I got mail, my phone beeps right away and than I have to wait couple more minutes (even 5 or more sometimes) to see new email in webmail. Is there any way to refresh my inbox in webmail o