Zodiac Dates Your Star Sign is the Zodiac Sign the Sun was in on your Birthday. Here are dates for the Astrological signs of the Zodiac with each sign's attributes. Zodiac DatesThe Zodiac Cusp Dates13 Zodiac SignsZodiac Symbols14th Zodiac Sign - CetusZodiac CalendarZodiac Dates 2025Zodiac Date...
It is impossible to list all of the real dates of horoscopes, because it would fill up an entire book! Just being born in a leap year is enough to throw off the dates for most Zodiac signs. 7:00 AM on Sunday in New Zealand is 11:00 AM on Saturday in Los Angeles, so you need ...
and the end of it on the 18th or 19th of february. people born on other dates need not be concerned. here are the cusp dates for all the twelve zodiac signs, where i include the possible starting and ending dates for each zodiac sign. if that’s not where you’re born, you need ...
Aries dates are March 21 - April 19 but there are variations because of leap years & your place of birth. Check our online calculator to be sure!
This year the sun is in the sign of Taurus 19 April 2024 -20 May 2024. The dates for the sun signs can vary by a day or two from year to year for astronomical reasons. The word ‘zodiac’ comes from the Greek meaning ‘circle of animals.’ The only zodiac sign that is non-repres...
Zodiac Signs About The Author Celeste Longacre Celeste is The Old Farmer's Almanac astrologer. She has also been growing virtually all of her family’s vegetables for the entire year for over 30 years.Read More from Celeste Longacre ADVERTISEMENT ...
Yes, cusps may have one predominant sign among the two, depending upon their date of birth. The Aries-Taurus cusp dates are generally regarded as ‘April 19 to 23’. If you are born at the beginning of this period, say, April 19, your dominant sign is Aries. Likewise, if you are bo...
Important: If you were born on or close to any of the above cut-off dates, then you were born on what is often considered a “cusp.” If you don’t already know your true Sun sign, or you are uncertain, you can find out definitively by using this tool: What’s My Sun Sign? or...
Pisces star sign dates: 19 February – 20 March Born on the cusp of two star signs? Each year, the dates of the 12 signs shift a little, so if you’re born on the edge of one sign (typically around the 21st –23rd of the month) then you’re known as ‘born on the cusp’ (...
It’s as if the energy blends between signs — so if Aries is red and Taurus is blue, then “cuspers,” born in the transition period between April 18 and May 24, would be purple. These are commonly held cusp dates If you've considered yourself "born on the cusp," then your birthd...