The signs of the Zodiac are 30-degree sections of the ecliptic, and the countdown of the signs of the Zodiac by months begins from the spring equinox (March 20-21) in the direction of the Sun. The Sun stays in each sign of the zodiac for about a month and changes into another sign...
In astrology, asign of the zodiacrefers to one of 12 specific constellations of the zodiac that the sun passes through. A person’s particular sign of the zodiac is the one that the sun was in when they were born. It is a belief in astrology that a person’s personality can be predic...
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Interestingly, English has kept the Latin names for signs of the zodiac, whereas French uses the literal translations for most of them. Sign (meaning) Signe Aries (Ram) le Bélier Taurus (Bull) le Taureau Gemini (Twins) les Gémeaux Cancer (Crab) le Cancer Leo (Lion) le Lion Virgo (Mai...
As an important part of the traditional Chinese Culture, the Chinese Zodiac culture has long been recognized, accepted, taken by consensus and penetrated into the daily lives of the Chinese people. Everyone, from the date of birth, has his unique animal sign accompanying him with the life ...
Gemini, in astronomy, zodiacal constellation lying in the northern sky between Cancer and Taurus. In astronomy, Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, considered as governing the period from about May 21 to about June 21.
Discover your personality, compatibility, birthstone, Zodiac sign, Hindu Rashi and Chinese Zodiac signs, Find yin-yang, element, heavenly stem, earthly branch and related information for your date of birth. The day and date that you are born on have an eternal effect on your life and existence...
Zodiac Baby Names for Girls By Dantea Updated Thu Jun 25 2015Share Copy linkWe’ve looked at Zodiac baby names for boys, now here are the traits associated with each sign and related names, this time aimed at girls. Aries: Aries is the sign associated with fire, Mars, and the ram. ...
So the Dragon child, this being of happiness, lucky by his Chinese zodiac sign, is destined to lead and build great projects must necessarily pass through the educational sieve of scrupulous and attentive parents, perfectly aware of the potential of their offspring. ...
Roman astrologer Claudius Ptolemy wrote down the names and associations we know today. He noted, however, that he didn’t invent the zodiac. Instead, he compiled the wisdom of ancient cultures—including Babylon’s 12-sign system, Greek myths, and the Egyptian decans (dividing each sign into ...