在紧密连接中,ZO-1起到支架蛋白的作用,参与维持紧密连接的结构和功能。 Occludin Occludin是一种四次跨膜蛋白,主要位于紧密连接的封闭细胞间隙处。 具体来说,ZO-1和Occludin蛋白都位于细胞膜的内侧,与细胞骨架相连,共同构成紧密连接的结构。这些蛋白通过复杂的相互作用和调节机制,维持着细胞间的紧密连接和屏障功能。
SLEpatientswhoseACTHtreatedwithamassivedosageofdexamethasoneormethylprednisolone.Keywordssystemiclupuserythematosus;adrenocorticotropichormone;glucocorticoid食管鳞状细胞癌中紧密连接蛋白occludin、ZO-1 的表达及其临床意义朱克超1,葛腾飞1,于在诚1,汪渊2摘要 目的 探讨紧密连接蛋白 occludin及ZO-1 在食管鳞状细胞癌及手术切...
紧密连接蛋白occludin和ZO-1在豚鼠耳蜗中表达的实验研究 姓名:***申请学位级别:硕士 专业:耳鼻咽喉科学 指导教师:**渊 20080501 第三军医大学硕士学位论文 紧密连接蛋白occludin和ZO一1在豚鼠耳蜗中 表达的实验研究 摘要 研究背景: 血迷路屏障(b100dlabyrinthba谢er,BLB)的存在保证了内耳微环境的相对稳定,维 持正...
Dissociation of ZO1-occludin complex is involved in zonula occludens toxin (Zot)-mediated disassembly of intestinal tight junctionsHelicobacter heilmanniiacute gastric mocosal lesionstouch cytologyA 69-year-old-woman presented with acute epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting and heartburn. Endoscopy disclosed...
技术支持 货号339188 CNY5,993.00 100 µg 下单后预计有货时间 10-Apr-2025 查看价格 批量或定制请求 抗体检测数据 (2) 已发表图片 (28) 高级验证 (1) Application Created with Sketch. 图:1/31 ZO-1 Antibody (339188) in ICC/IF Immunofluorescence analysis of ZO-1 was performed using 90% confluen...
货号33-9111 CNY5,294.00 100 µg 下单后预计有货时间 07-Apr-2025 查看价格 批量或定制请求 Application Created with Sketch. 图:1/33 ZO-1 Antibody (33-9111) in ICC/IF Immunofluorescence analysis of ZO-1/TJP1 Antibody, FITC conjugate (ZO1-1A12) was done on 90% confluent log phase CaCo2...
The role of BI in occludin and claudin is undefined. In the LPS-induced IEC-6 cells, BI showed only a significant protective effect of ZO-1 protein, but not of occludin (Chen et al., 2015). However, BI increased claudin-1, occluding and ZO-1 protein levels obviously in the damaged ...
本研究拟探讨血清封闭蛋白5(claudin 5,CLDN5)、密封蛋白(occludin,OCLN)和紧密连接蛋白1(zonula occludens 1,ZO1)的含量与颅脑损伤急性期患者的病情严重程度和预后的关系,旨在为临床上颅脑损伤患者的诊治提供新的线索和途径。 1.1 对象 2014年2月至2015年2月温州医科大学附属第一医院急诊中心创伤外科和神经外科收治...
ZO-1 forms complexes with either ZO-2 or ZO-3. In addition, these proteins can also associate with claudin, occludin and F-actin, at tight junction stands, where they provide a linkage between the actin cytoskeleton and the tight junction. ZO-1 expression is significantly reduced in many br...