X‐ray crystallography and elemental analysis confirmed the empirical formula as [ZnTCNQF4(DMF)2]·2DMF in which two DMF molecules are coordinated to the central zinc ion and the remaining two are present as solvates within the lattice. Analysis by IR, UV/Vis and electrochemical methods ...
问:外阴严重红肿有灼热感 又痒又痛 阴道口也痒 可能是不洁内裤和卫生纸引起的(女,22岁) 答:你好,若是接触引起的外阴痒及痛,可以用清水洗外阴后涂抹油脂或者软膏
偷摩托开“摩的”被认出 这位“乘客”让他开到了便衣抓捕组附近】近日,惠阳公安一民警在外偶遇一位“摩的”司机,发现其竟是盗窃嫌疑人。民警立即一边暗中联系派出所进行抓捕准备,一边假扮乘客和嫌疑人一起来到约定抓捕地点,成功将其抓获。此前,惠阳新圩一居民报案称其放在楼下的摩托车被盗。接报后,惠阳区公安分局...
问题描述:你好,我现在母乳喂养宝宝115天了,上个星期有天头晕头疼乏力,一天吐了三次,吃不下东西,第二天就自己好了,但突然发现奶水变少了好多,没有奶涨的感觉了 分析及建议: 与呕吐有关,尽量多喝汤,多让宝宝吸吮,我认为不用,这样的话需要去检查一下,现在还不确定,我认为与呕吐有关,先检查再说,如果没有其他...
Three new anion-radical TCNQ salts with Zn and Ni 2,2′-bipyridine complexes and appropriate solvent were synthesized as well as structurally and spectrally investigated. Two of the salts show quasi-one dimensional organization of the anions and show distinct anisotropy of the polarized reflection ...
Three new anion-radical TCNQ salts with Zn and Ni 2,2′-bipyridine complexes and appropriate solvent were synthesized as well as structurally and spectrally investigated. Two of the salts show quasi-one dimensional organization of the anions and show distinct anisotropy of the polarized reflection...
发布了头条文章:《别墅大宅怎么装修住起来才舒适?掌握这些细节很重要》 °别墅大宅怎么装修住起来才舒适?掌握这些细节... 欢乐佳园装饰别墅大宅 别墅大宅怎么装修住起来才舒适?掌握这些细节很重要 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载...