The clathrate [Zn(C6H5COO)(2)(H2O)(2)] center dot 2CH(3)COOH (I) was obtained for the first time from zinc(II) benzoate. The individuality, the unit cell parameters, and the number ofUsubaliev, B. TAbdurakhmanova, P. SMunshieva, M. K...
An interesting structure containing an “open-box” molecule [Co 4 (Hpdc) 4 (py) 12 ] ⋅ 4 py ⋅ 2 H 2 O ⋅ 2 CH 3 OH ( 6 ) (py=pyridine) has been isolated by using dehydrated [Co(H 2 pdc) 2 ] as the precursor, and its crystal structure...
Two coordination complexes, namely [Zn-2(4-APha)(2)(CH3COO)(2)(H2O)(2)] (1) and [Cd(4-APha)(CH3COO) (H2O)(0.5)](4)center dot 6H(2)O (2) (4-APha = 4-aminophenylhydroxamic acid), are synthesized by the solvothermal method. They are characterized by single crystal X-ray ...
Daneu, S. Bernik, M. Sćepanović, D. Poleti, Z. Branković, Structural char- acterization of self-assembled ZnO nanoparticles obtained by the sol-gel method from Zn(CH3COO)2 A 2H2O, Nanotechnology 22 (2011) 395603.Lukovi? Goli?, D.,Brankovi?, G.,Po?u?a Ne?i?, M.,Vojis...
Two new zinc(II) and nickel(II) complexes, [Zn2L(mu(2)-eta(1):eta(1)-CH3COO)(mu(2)-eta(1):eta(2)-CH3COO)](n) (1) and [Ni-2(HL)(2)(H2O)(2)(mu(1,3)-N-3)]Cl center dot 2H(2)O (2 center dot 2H(2)O), where L is the doubly deprotonated form of 4,4 '-...
A new compound of zinc(II) with the ligand 4,4'-dimethoxy-2,2'-bipyridine(4,4'-dmo-2,2'-bpy), [Zn(4,4'-dmo-2,2'-bpy)(2)(CH3COO)](2)[Zn(SCN)(4)]center dot H2O, has been obtained as white single crystals by the branched tube method and characterized by elemental ...
The zinc iodates Zn(IO3)(2).2H2O and Zn(IO3)(2) as well as alpha-Co(IO3)(2). 2H(2)O were studied by X-ray, IR- and Raman spectroscopic methods. The crystal structure of the dihydrate, which is isostructural with the respective cobalt compound, was determined by X-ray single-...
B.M. KariukiMicroporous and Mesoporous MaterialsG.B. Hix,A. Turner,L. Vahter,B.M. Kariuki.Synthesis and structural characterisation of two new porous metal phosphonates: Zn(O3PCH2CO2H)?H2O and Pb(O3CH=CH2). Micropor Mesopor. Mater . 2007...
SiO2 nanospheres with tailorable interiors by directly controlling Zn2+ and NH3 center dot H2O species in an emulsion processSiO 2 nanospheresTailorable interiorMicroemulsionTemporary templateOstwald RipeningFormation process of SiO 2 nanospheres with porous and single hollow interior. ZnO/Zn(OH) 2 ...
(CHCl3)](n) (4), and [Zn(CHCOO)(2)L center dot 2(H2O)](n) (5), have been assembled by a novel ligand 4'-ferrocenyl-4, 2': 6', 4 ''-terpyridine and different zinc salts under ambient conditions, and their structures have been confirmed by singlecrystal X-ray diffraction ...