增加连接监控ZMonitor monitor =newZMonitor(context, subscriber); monitor.add(ZMonitor.Event.ALL); monitor.start();//在poller中注册String errorString = "ERROR: 连接错误,无法建立回调通道,...邦员:." + federationHandle + ":" +federateHandle;//***!!!这里的简化是为了下面的事件判定if(protocol.e...
ZeroMQ 官方地址 :http://api.zeromq.org/4-2:zmq-socket-monitor zmq_socket_monitor(3) ØMQ Manual - ØMQ/4.1.0 Name zmq_socket_monitor - 注册一个监控回调函数 Synopsis intzmq_socket_monitor (void*socket,char* *addr,intevents); Description zmq_socket_monitor()函数会产生一个PAIR类型的soc...
Issue description I found a very weird bug in my code that took me ages to debug. Here is what I was doing: create a ZMQ_STREAM put that STREAM socket in monitor mode (and open the ZMQ_PAIR socket associated) connect the STREAM socket to...
zmq::context_t ctx; std::array<zmq::const_buffer, 2> send_msgs = { zmq::str_buffer("topic") , zmq::str_buffer("hello") }; zmq::socket_t sock(ctx, zmq::socket_type::pub); Monitor monitor(sock, "inproc://pub-socket"); sock.connect("tcp://"); if (monitor....
Sony LMD-X310S LCD Monitor, Sony LMD-X310MD LCD Monitor, Sony LMD-X310NB LCD Monitor, Sony LMD-X550S LCD Monitor, Sony LMD-X550MD LCD, Sony LMD-X550NB LCD Monitor产品名称,K150377申请号,510k申请类型,SONY ELECTRONICS, INC.申请人,数
(RCD), differential current sensor, leakage detection sensor, fault current sensor etc. This residual current monitor will detect DC and AC residual currents in 50Hz/60Hz AC installations according to IEC62955. It's primarily intended for use in Electric V...
在下文中一共展示了ZmqSocket.Monitor方法的1个代码示例,这些例子默认根据受欢迎程度排序。您可以为喜欢或者感觉有用的代码点赞,您的评价将有助于系统推荐出更棒的C#代码示例。 示例1: Initialize publicvoidInitialize(){ ReqContext = ZmqContext.Create(); ...
2019-12-13 15:15 − React生命周期第二个demo演示了兄弟组件的通信,需要通过父组件,比较麻烦;下面介绍sub/pub机制来事项组件间通信。项目结构: 1、导包 npm i pubsub-js 2、UserSearch.jsx import React from 'react' impor... wenbin_ouyang 0 581 HZNU2019校赛-Little Sub and Counting(小撒布与计...
ZeroMQ接口函数之 :zmq_send – 在一个socket上发送一个消息帧 2015-02-11 16:36 − ZeroMQ 官方地址 :http://api.zeromq.org/4-1:zmq-send zmq_send(3) ØMQ M... fengbohello 0 22346 ZeroMQ接口函数之 :zmq_socket – 创建ZMQ套接字 2015-03-20 23:58 − ZeroMQ API 目录 :htt...