文件夹内保存了 ZLG CAN系列驱动,适用于x64 ,windows系统,建议没有弄熟之前不要进行改动, 代码尾行有展示代码。我已尽量做到抽象。 基本使用如下 #新建对象c=Communication()#配置CAN卡, 型号:USB_CAN_2EU, CAN卡索引: 0, CAN卡通道:channel_0, 波特率: 500kbpsc.set_can_board_configuration(can_type="u...
USBCAN-I-mini 小型智能CAN 接口卡 User Manual U V1.02 Date: 2019/03/18 产品用户手册 类别 内容 关键词 USBCAN-I-mini、高性能、便携 USBCAN-I-mini 符合CAN2.0A/B 规范,支持5Kbps~1Mbps 之间的任意波特率,提供多个操作系统的设备驱动,满足各 摘要 种应用需求,为工业通讯CAN 网络提供了可靠性、高效率...
Driver Installation 8 3.1 Installing the Driver Under Windows 8 4. Inspection and Maintenance 11 5. Packing List 12 6. ZCANPRO Software User Guide 13 6.1 Introduction to ZCANPRO Software 13 6.2 Using USBCANFD on ZCANPRO 13 7. Disclaimer 14 ©2021 Guangzhou ZLG Electronics Technology Corp.,...
The usbcan driver is implemented based on libusb. First, install the dependent library with the following command: #apt-get install libusb-1.0-0 B. Copy usbcan.so, libusbcan.so.1 to the /lib directory, and run make in the test directory for compilation. Note: Ask the RD department ...
zlg_usbcan_libusb_ubuntu_16.04_x64_driver.zip_USBCAN_ZLG USBCAN驱 1:周立功在Ubuntu下的驱动; 2:16.04测试通过; 上传者:weixin_42662293时间:2022-07-15 ZLGCanTest最新库文件及接口函数说明文档 ZLGCanTest最新库文件及接口函数说明文档,使用该库文件,以及说明文档,能够快速的使用C# 对CAN数据进行处理。
zlg_usbcan_libusb_ubuntu_16.04_x64_driver.zip_USBCAN_ZLG USBCAN驱 1:周立功在Ubuntu下的驱动; 2:16.04测试通过; 上传者:weixin_42662293时间:2022-07-15 周立功USB转CAN驱动 工业用周立功USB转CAN驱动,方便下载使用,内含XP-Win7-Win8-32位64位驱动 ...
It can directly analyze the engine speed and other information in the car OBD interface! Intuitive configuration of filter table, intelligent filter (unlimited ID or ID segment)! Adopt thestable driver under windows system-Microsoft winUSB,
INFO:✨ Drill chuck for impact driver: features a unique drill chuck for impact caused by collisions and abrasions on hard surfaces. ✨ Jointer tool: connects to a usb port, or connects to a computer with a usb interface. it is easy to use and can be used for many purposes. ✨ ...
¥ 25.08 /个 RSM3485ECHT, ZLG/致远电子 USBCANFD-200U 电子元器件 ZLG/致远电子 PDF 资料 数据手册 ¥ 20.37 /个 USBCANFD-200U, ZLG/致远电子 ZM5161P2-2C 多种规格高性能元器件 ZLG/致远电子品牌 ¥ 1.22 /PCS ZLG, 致远电子, ZM5161P2, 2C 爱...
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