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HOME OUR COMPANY ZIZZI CSR JOB CONTACT Zizzi – Experts in Fashion for all Shapes and Sizes We believe in fashion and beauty beyond size, and we are committed to delivering world-class experiences for our customers.Copyright ® 2022
🍕 这次探店Zizzi,原本冲着窑烤披萨而来,却意外被提拉米苏俘获了味蕾。😋🍰 提拉米苏的口感细腻,甜度适中,每一口都能感受到浓郁的咖啡香和可可粉的微苦,同桌即使不爱甜食也被其惊艳到。😍🍕 披萨则是典型的薄底风格,芝士浓郁,每一口都裹着满满的奶酪,味道十分地道。🧀🍛 然而,烩饭的味道却有些让...
RestaurantUK based restaurant brand Zizzi made a move in late 2018 to venture into the China market. Red Design was charged with integrating Zizzi’s rich brand identity throughout the interior with the trade mark autumn trees creating a fun and whimsical restaurant space....
About Zizzi Zizzi is a fashion company specializing in plus-size apparel. The company offers a range of clothing options designed to cater to the confident, modern woman, with a focus on selecting materials, shapes, and fits that flatter all body types. Zizzi's product line includes activewear...
📍南安普顿的Zizzi餐厅,位于市中心玛莎百货旁边,具体地址是Unit WM19 Level 2 West Quay Road Southampton SO15 1DE。这可是全球连锁的意大利餐厅,英国其他地方也有分店哦!💰人均消费大概在12-15英镑左右。特别提醒一下,周日到周四可以用uniday上的折扣码打折,价格会更便宜!我们周六去的,虽然没用上折扣码,但这个...
导读:Zizzi滋意“再加意味”,点亮食欲之秋 秋风起,满地碎金,不知不觉中上海已进入秋季,城中街道两侧的树木也悄悄点缀上金黄。夏日低迷的食欲,终于在凉爽的秋天得到解放。懒洋洋的人们是否在翘首以盼一些“新意”?10月29日起,滋意(Zizzi)于金秋中“再加意味”,与顾客一起点亮这个食欲之秋。
人均: 161 元口味: 8.9环境: 8.5服务: 8.7 地址: Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester M1 1LU 电话:+44-161-45912** 更多信息 写评价 网友评价(17) 全部图片(14)好评(16)中评(1)差评(0) 匿名用户 人均:187元 炸鱿鱼卷好吃,普通的意大利面也很好吃。服务员小姐姐始终微笑,很有感染力。
Zizzi Vouchers2012 -2013. Get all the latest printable Zizzi voucher codes and offers on one lovely page here! What is Zizzi’s Restaurant? Zizzi is a chain of Italian food restaurants in the United Kingdom. The chain is owned by Gondola Group, who also own Ask and the Pizza Express re...