1) Ziyin Yangxue Formula 滋阴养血方1. Experimental Study to the Curative Effects of Ziyin Yangxue Formula in Modeled Rats of Blood Deficiency Syndrome of Senile; 滋阴养血方对衰老血虚大鼠皮肤病治疗作用的实验研究2) nourishing yin and blood 滋阴养血 例句>> ...
It is a disease that seriously affects the patients′ quality of life.Therefore, our hospital used Ziyin Yangxue Tongluo recipe (滋阴养血通络方, ZYYXTL)in treating 31 patients suffering from DMPNL from April to October 1998, and at the same time nimodipine capsule was used to treat 30 ...
heat. The treatment principles of Ziyin Yan- gxue Shengjin (滋阴养血生津) and Huoxue Soufeng Tongluo (活血搜风通络) were there- fore adopted, and Ziyin Yangxue Tongluo recipe (ZYYXTL) was formulated by us for the purpose. In the prescription, fresh and prepared Rehmannia and Angelica, ...
Objective To analyze is given priority to with ziyin yangxue method for treatment of diabetes vulva pruritus, provide reference for clinical. Methods Select our hospital 100 cases of diabetic patients with vulva pruritus as research object, the treated time is in May 2014 to May 2015, with the...
滋阴润肺 滋阴润燥 走马牙疳 阿米巴痢疾 滋阴潜阳 滋阴养血 子宫久冷 子死腹中资助【中医宝典】 >>>滋阴养血 滋阴养血-方剂 养血 养血-中药 养血-方剂 补气养血-方剂 调经养血-方剂 养血安神-中药 养血安神-方剂 养血安胎-方剂 养血祛风-方剂 养血调经-方剂 益气养血-方剂 滋阴 滋阴-中药 滋阴补肾-中药 滋阴补...
加减三甲散及其拆方滋阴养血药调控肝纤维化tgf-βsmads通路的分析-analysis on regulating tgf - β smads pathway in hepatic fibrosis with modified sanjiasan and its disassembled prescriptions ziyin yangxue drugs 中文摘要目的:观察加减三甲散及其拆方滋阴养血药物对实验性肝纤维化时肝组织TGF-β/Smads转导通路...
二是心肝火盛的实症,症状为神志不宁,失眠多梦,惊狂烦躁。由重镇安神或滋养安神的药物为主组成,具有安神定志,治疗神志不安的制剂均属安神剂。 安神剂的功效 安神剂的功能是安神定志,滋阴养血。用于心神不安,烦躁,失眠多梦,惊风,癫痫,狂乱等症的治疗。
[功能主治]温肾壮阳,滋阴养血,理气健脾,强筋壮骨适用于肾阳虚损、气血不足引起的腰膝冷痛、痿弱无力、阳痿遗精、精液清冷、婚后无嗣、小便频数、妇女经血不凋、带下清稀、周身疲乏、精神刁振、食少腹胀、胃脘冷痛等症。 [用法用量]每日视个人情况,酌饮一二杯。
It is a disease that seriously affects the patients′ quality of life.Therefore, our hospital used Ziyin Yangxue Tongluo recipe (滋阴养血通络方, ZYYXTL)in treating 31 patients suffering from DMPNL from April to October 1998, and at the same time nimodipine capsule was used to treat 30 ...
Therefore, our hospital used Ziyin Yangxue Tongluo recipe in treating 31 patients suffering from DM-PNL from April to October 1998, and at the same time nimodipine capsule was used to treat 30 patients of the same disease as the control group. Here the clinical study is reported as follows...