1) Ziyin Qianyang Recipe 滋阴潜阳方1. Effect of Ziyin Qianyang Recipe on Expression of Protein Kinase A and Level of cAMP in Lymphocytes of Rats with Hypertension; 滋阴潜阳方对高血压大鼠淋巴细胞内PKA蛋白表达和cAMP水平的影响2. Effect of Ziyin Qianyang Recipe on Level of IP_3 and ...
Objective: To explore the mechanism of the protective effect of Ziyin Qianyang Formula on renal injury of two kidneys one clip hypertensive rats. Methods: The 24 8-week male SD rats were cloned as 2 K1 C hypertension model. Then the rats were randomly divided into Chinese medicine group,west...
滋阴潜阳 滋阴潜阳中药联合尼莫地平 老年高血压治疗研究新进展【中医知识】 方剂主治滋补肝肾 滋补强壮 滋肾水 滋阴补肾 滋阴降火 滋阴养血 子宫久冷 子死腹中 自汗 自汗不止中药主治滋肾 滋阴 滋阴补肾 滋阴补虚 滋阴降火 滋阴清热 滋阴润肺 滋阴润燥 滋阴养血 子宫出血...