Genetic analysis on 3 class markers with 42 characteristics in 2 goat breeds on the both sides of Ziwuling mountain was carried out with the random cluster samplings. 应用随机整群抽样法对地处子午岭东西两侧的两个山羊品种3个层次共计42类标记特征进行了遗传分析。 更多例句>> 5) Ziwuling Mountain...
ZiwulingEastHill,northmountainsheep pen,Liupanshanwest,east,west,northuplift, central andsouthernlow-,itis"basin"of. 东倚子午岭,北靠羊圈山,西接六盘山,东、西、北三面隆起,中南部低缓,故有“盆地”之称。 2. Study ofsoilphysical propertiesandcommunitycharacteristicsof differentabandonedlan...
1)the Ziwuling area子午岭地区 1.The impacts of accelerated erosion on soil nutrient loss and microbial quantity following deforestation in the Ziwuling area;子午岭地区林地破坏加速侵蚀对土壤养分流失和微生物的影响研究 2.This paper took the soil quality dynamic change during vegetation restoration in ...
子午岭的韩语翻译:[명]【중국지명】 간쑤성(甘肃省)에 위치한 산,산봉우리.
Based on the fractal theory,soil fractal features of five types of vegetation in the Ziwuling forest area were studied on contrast to the 6-year abandoned farmland. 运用分形理论,研究了子午岭林区5种天然次生植被(以6 a天然恢复弃耕地为对照)下土壤结构特征,分析了土壤水稳性团聚体分维、孔隙分维、...
This study investigated a typical secondaryforest in the Ziwuling Mountains, Loess Plateau, China. In the sample plot, the DBH (diameter at breast height) class structure ofwas bimodal. Individuals with small and large DBH values were abundant. The DBH structures ofandwere close to that of ...
秋景介绍:子午岭的秋季色彩缤纷,美如一幅画。 景区介绍 旅游攻略 怎么去 门票 服务 天气 景区简介: 延安子午岭国家级自然保护区处于中国暖温带落叶阔叶林的西端,形成关中平原的天然屏障,既缓解了西北季风的入侵,又阻挡了风沙南移。保护区的保护对象主要是黄土高原稀有的天然次生林生态系统及野生动植物资源。
延安子午岭国家级自然保护区处于中国暖温带落叶阔叶林的西端,形成关中平原的天然屏障,既缓解了西北季风的入侵,又阻挡了风沙南移。保护区的保护对象主要是黄土高原稀有的天然次生林生态系统及野生动植物资源。 子午岭国家级自然保护区丰富多样的植物和优良的植被为野生动物提供了丰富的资源和良好栖息地。保护区内有莲花寺...
“子午岭”,该品牌所属地为中国。子午岭共参与了4次所涉行业的排行榜,其中有1进入榜单前十名。 子午岭品牌介绍 子午岭品牌在互联网上开设了官方旗舰店子午岭官方旗舰店,让广大网民在网上也能买到与子午岭实体店同款的商品。子午岭品牌自创立至今,深受广大用户们的喜爱,虽然子午岭已经取得一些不错的成绩,但并没有...