And to indicate the year of manufacture, the yearly identification codes, which was various combination of dots and slashes, was developed and stamped on the bottom.Zippo的新标志于1957年被采用。为了表明制造年份,开发了由点和斜线组合而成的年度识别码,并将其印在底部。皮革机:Leather crafted lighters...
鉴别真假zippo(Identification of true and false ZIPPO) Method for identification of true and false ZIPPO The fake hinge fuse is not good (in other words, and circular concave crudely made). ZIPPO has the following features really: The bottom of the shell is 1. ~ ~ and year of production ...
Zippo_2011年春季系列年册.pdf,Zippo_2011年春季系列年册,文档仅供收藏参考。2011 Spring 2011 Spring Catalogue 10€ Armor Case Flex Neck Click original n regular Flints o c I Zippo BLU n world famous a c yhigh polished identification codes i r t Bradford, PA
Windproof Lighter American Classic 30 Year Guarantee Zippo BLU Zippo MPL Flex Neck Armor Case Venetian Replica h i s t o r y world famous original Zippo Manufacturing Company Bradford, PA. USA american way of life bottom stamp regular slim collectibles identification codes Wicks Flints Black Ice ...
For decades, the Zippo bottom stamp has marked the authenticity of every genuine Zippo lighter. The simple B o t system of dots and slashes, initiated to t o aid identification of lighters coming m z back to Zippo for repair, was later U p ™ replaced by letters and Roman numerals, ...