从MS-DOS窗口进入目录E:\myserver\mysql-5.0.37-win32\bin,运行如下命令: mysqld --install mysql5 --defaults-file= E:\myserver\mysql-5.0.37-win32\my.ini 4、启动mysql数据库 还在上面的命令窗口里面,输入命令:net start mysql5 这样就启动了mysql服务。 5、(本地)登录mysql数据库 还在上面的命令窗口...
yum install zip -y yum install unzip -y 安装zip 安装unzip zip是压缩unzip用于解压,故而需要下载两个包。 目录 zip命令压缩文件语法: zip命令解压文件语法: zip命令压缩文件语法: zip -选项 压缩文件名.zip 压缩文件夹名 一般示例: zip -r dir.zip dir 选项 含义 -r 递归压缩目录,及将制定目录下...
linux命令的基本用法是:zip[参数] [打包后的文件名] [打包的目录路径]linuxzip命令参数列表: -a 将文件转成ASCII模式 -F 尝试修复损坏的压缩文件...比如现在我的html目录下,我操作的zip压缩命令是zip–q –r html.zip* 以上是在安静模式下进行的,而且包含系统文件和隐含文件linuxzip命令的基本用法是:zip[参数...
Suggestion 3. Install the Latest Version of WinZip When using WinZip on your computer, please install the latest version of the software. The outdated version of the software is easily attacked by malware or virus. The software update is able to fix some bugs. So, when using WinZip on yo...
Download and Install: Visit the official website or FileHorse and download the appropriate version of the app for your operating system. Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to install the software on your computer.Launch the app: After installation, open the app by double-...
When checking for updates to WinZip Mac, the MAC operating system version is now included to ensure the offered update works with the users currently installed OS Improved the display of Zip file when using Quick Look Using a single click on the arrow next to the folder name now displays th...
When checking for updates to WinZip Mac, the MAC operating system version is now included to ensure the offered update works with the users currently installed OS Improved the display of Zip file when using Quick Look Using a single click on the arrow next to the folder name now displays th...
windowzip部署mongodb 部署模型可复制集可复制集是跨多个MongDB服务器(节点)分布和维护数据的方法。mongoDB可以把数据从一个节点复制到其他节点并在修改时进行同步,集群中的节点配置为自动同步数据;旧方法叫做主从复制,mongoDB3.0以后推荐使用可复制集;为什么要用可复制集?它有什么重要性? 避免数据丢失,保障数据安全...
--character-set-filesystem //字符集文件系统 -C//--character-set-server 服务器字符集 -r //--chroot mysqld运行前,运行chroot系统调用 --collation-server //排序服务器字符集 --console //写错误日志到console window平台 --core-file //当mysql宕机时,写core文件 --core-file-size ...
设置为 window 系统的服务手动方式: 创建一个批处理 install-service.bat 用于将 MariaDB 安装为服务 ::指定创建服务的程序 @set mariadb_service="x:\mariadb\xxx\bin\mysqld.exe" ::设置服务名 @set service_name="MariaDB" ::开始安装Mariadb服务 ...