You need to convert the GDI file. I got Dreamcast ROMS in BIN/GDI instead and the CHD conversion worked. If your ROM download comes wth both CUE and GDI (like it does from Vimm's Lair), delete the CUE files first before running the .bat script. Quote neil9000 Members 12.6k 2 ...
分享24 dreamcast吧 tarof dc游戏资源贴CDI刻盘推荐用酒精120% 莎木CD1用DiscJuggler V6.00.1400-PR02版刻盘 [DC][再生侠]Spawn_CN_DCLT.7z(完全汉化版,可开全人物) [DC][上海][繁体][TAB]SHANGHAI_DYNASTY_by_DCLT.rar http...