County:San Diego County Timezone:Pacific (GMT -08:00) Local Time:7:32:26 PM Population:30,937[See All] Area Codes:858/619 Classification:Standard [Normal Street Delivery] Coordinates:32.8087, -117.1376 Land Area:8.611sq mi Quick Link: ...
It is also located within San Diego County. According to the 2020 U.S. Census, there are 45,389 people in 13,103 households. estimates that the current population is 42,421. It has a population density of 1,025.4 people per square mile. 92058 is classified as a "...
Zip Atlas provides comprehensive information on social, economic, demographic, and housing characteristics for all states, cities, counties, and zip codes in the United States.
County: CountyFIPS: 06073 - San Diego City: Santee Area Code: 619 City Type?In many cases, a ZIP Code can have multiple "names", meaning cities, towns, or subdivisions, in its boundaries. However, it will ALWAYS have exactly 1 "default" name. D - Default - This is the "preferred"...
County FIPS: 06073 County: CountyFIPS: 06073 - San Diego City: Spring Valley Area Code: 619 City Type ?: D (Default) ZIP Code: 91978 ❓What does D (Default) mean? This is the "preferred" name - by the USPS - for a city. Each ZIP Code has one - and only one - "...
San Jose is located in Santa Clara County in the U.S. State of California. It was founded as Pueblo de San José de Guadalupe in 1777 and was incorporated in
The hottest ZIP codes for 2018 show that high-income millennials are helping to drive a nearly 10 percent increase in how fast homes are sold in the most popular areas of the country, which spans emerging suburban areas near Silicon Valley, throughout th
The rest of the concerning ZIP codes in New York are below: 12540 - Dutchess County 10930- Orange County 10940- Orange County 10992- Orange County 12058- Greene County 12083- Greene County 10705 - Westchester County 10507- Westchester County 10703- Westchester County 10547- Westchester County 1059...
County: CountyFIPS: 06073 - San Diego City: Oceanside Area Code: 760 / 442 City Type ?: D (Default) ZIP Code: 92049 ❓What does D (Default) mean? This is the "preferred" name - by the USPS - for a city. Each ZIP Code has one - and only one - "default" name. In...