ZIP Codes: 1,457 Cities: 526 Counties: 67 Area Codes: 23 Total Area: 65,757 square miles Land Area: 53,631 square miles Water Area: 12,127 square milesFlorida Covers 1457 ZIP Codes ZIP Code City County Type ZIP Code 32003 Fleming Island Clay Standard ZIP Code 32004 Ponte Vedra Beach ...
Every place needs a ZIP code, but they are especially important in Florida. The codes can be used to identify many places, including cities, addresses, streets, and more. They are also used for mail delivery. Below are all of the Florida ZIP codes and their corresponding city names, counti...
Jupiter Florida ZIP Code Map Click on the ZIP Codes in the interactive map to view more information. The map control in the upper right corner can be used to toggle map layers on and off. The red outline is the border of Jupiter and can be turned on and off. Each type of postal ...
As of January 2014, Florida has roughly 1469 zip codes, which are listed below with the respective city, town, village or location name as well as the area code. The state's capital is Tallahassee (2012 population: 181,376) and its largest city is Jacksonville (2012 population: 836,507)...
ZIP Codes:174 Cities:98 Counties:78 Area Codes:2 Total Area:5,325 square miles Land Area:3,424 square miles Water Area:1,901 square miles Puerto Rico Covers 174 ZIP Codes ZIP CodeCityCountyType ZIP Code 00601AdjuntasAdjuntasStandard
US Zip Codes by State - Click on State name for its Zip Codes Alabama Zip Codes Alaska Zip Codes Arizona Zip Codes Arkansas Zip Codes California Zip Codes Colorado Zip Codes Connecticut Zip Codes Delaware Zip Codes Florida Zip Codes Georgia Zip Codes Hawaii Zip Codes Idaho Zip Codes Illinois ...
Large sized map prints of Zip Code maps for cities, counties & regions across the country. you can also create a customised map centered on the area of your interest Florida Zip Code Maps Orlando ZIP Code Map, Florida From$41.99 View Details ...
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Information for 33166, Miami Florida state - population, growth, income, time zone, area codes on