Available for other applications.Contact us to request the data in other GIS file formats (e.g., shapefile, KML, KMZ, GeoJSON). Price:$250Single User License* Data Fields Included with ZIP Code Area Files: Includes 25 fields of ZIP Code Business Patterns (ZBP) data and 2 fields of Rura...
ESRI - Shapefile (.shp) Google Display - KML (.kml) DB Loadable - WKT (.txt) DB Loadable - MySQL™ (.sql) DB Loadable - SQL Server (.sql) DB Loadable - Post GIS (.sql) Comma Separated Values (.csv) ZIP Code boundary data shows direct marketers where their prospects live, helpin...
int groupCode, const char* groupValue); void addSetting(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface); void addLayer(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface); void addBlock(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface); void endBlock(DL_CreationInterface* creationInterface); void addPoint(DL_CreationInterface* cr...
files for the zip code boundaries in both Shapefile (.shp) and GeoJSON (.json) formats. We've also included the zips as a static SVG file. The background map features are made available via a .pmtiles archive that we host on our CDN or you can download to fully self-host this map...
NYC Zip Code ShapeFile 纽约的zipcode shapfile 纽约市的邮政编码的shapfile文件 纽约市的邮政编码的shapfile文件 上传者:wql2014302721时间:2018-01-27 C_李坤浩_对I组的软件测试文档评审表单_ver1.0.01 项目名称对Node-RED工具的消息聚集和图形可视化拓展文档名称I_Node-RED_200520_软件问题报告_v1.0.0.docx版本...
// download and unzip the shapefile final File targetFile = new File( wsDir, WRS2_SHAPE_ZIP); if (targetFile.exists()) { if (!targetFile.delete()) { LOGGER.warn(“Unable to delete file ‘” + targetFile.getAbsolutePath() + “‘”); ...
To download these files, open the following link: http://www.census.gov/cgi-bin/geo/shapefiles2010/main 1 SAS Global Forum 2013 Then select "Zip Code Tabulation Areas" as illustrated below: Poster and Video Presentations Display 1. Shapefile Layer Selection Screen. Then select the state that...
self.browser.status_code.is_success(),True)) test_file = StringIO(result.content) csv_zip = ZipFile(test_file)fornameincsv_zip.namelist(): fw = open('sylva/sylva/tests/files/'+ name,'w') fw.write(csv_zip.read(name)) fw.close()fornameincsv_zip.namelist(): ...
at edu.harvard.iq.dataverse.util.ShapefileHandler.examineZipfile(ShapefileHandler.java:694) (Full stacktrace below.) Based on what I'm reading at Non-UTF-8 encoding in ZIP file (Xueming Shen's Oracle Blog) I think we might be running into ...
$results =$this->db->DB_Q_C($sql);//$ret_code =array(1, $lastid); }else{ $ret_code =array(-1,0); }return$ret_code; } 开发者ID:jackmolnar,项目名称:glit_website_new,代码行数:57,代码来源:class_home.php 示例6: die