Lookup U.S. Zip codes and find the state and city they are associated with. Type in the zip code and find the information you are looking for here:
Define ZIP code. ZIP code synonyms, ZIP code pronunciation, ZIP code translation, English dictionary definition of ZIP code. also zip code n. A series of digits designating a specific locality in the United States, appended to a postal address to expedit
If you feel a ZIP Code is valid but not listed on our database, you can use the free USPS "Lookup a ZIP Code" to check for yourself athttps://tools.usps.com/zip-code-lookup.htm?citybyzipcode. If the USPS reports it as invalid and you believe this is an error, please contact us...
Melissa Data is a database containing all U.S. addresses in the format the USPS uses. You can locate a ZIP code using the ZIP code lookup tool. Click "Lookups" on the main page. On the next page, choose "Address Check" under the "Address and Street Data" column. The following page...
Contact the company:If the business has little presence on the web, look up the phone number and give them a call to ask for the ZIP Code. You can also ask in person if possible. Whether you need to research one of your small business's competitors or check the reputation of a compan...
Contact_FormattedPhone string Contact_FormattedPhone Contact_City Contact_City string Contact_City Other_ParsingDate Other_ParsingDate string Other_ParsingDate Contact_Country Contact_Country string Contact_Country Other_ErrorCode Other_ErrorCode string Other_ErrorCode Contact_Email Contact_Email str...
Powerful, easy to use zip code database index for the USA. Search and sort by any field including city, zip code and area code.
Powerful, easy to use zip code database index for the USA. Search and sort by any field including city, zip code and area code.
Get the list of ZIP codes within a given radius from entered ZIP Code. The list will display city, state, county, population, number of businesses and the distance.
Melissa’s ZIP+4 lookup returns a list of addresses within the provided ZIP Code. It also returns information related to addresses such as current resident, phone number and more. To use the lookup tool, simply Enter a 5-digit ZIP Code and see a list of all ZIP+4 Codes within the gi...