The meaning of ZIP CODE is a number that identifies a particular postal delivery area in the U.S..
Welcome to ZipAtlas, explore the social, economic, demographic, and housing characteristics of each zip code, city, county, and state in the United States. We aim to provide you with comprehensive data and insights that can help you make informed decisions about where to live, work, and inve...
ZIP′ code` Trademark.a system used in the U.S. to facilitate delivery of mail, consisting of a code of five or nine numbers printed directly after the address. [1963;Z(one)I(mprovement)P(rogram)] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyrig...
Kids Definition zip code noun : a number that identifies each postal delivery area in the U.S.More from Merriam-Webster on zip code Nglish: Translation of zip code for Spanish Speakers Britannica English: Translation of zip code for Arabic Speakers Encyclopedia article about...
This is the Spanish Spgs ZIP Code page. Spanish Spgs is a city name in Washoe, Nevada, United States. The city name is designated by USPS, it could be a city, town,village school name, etc. Basic Information Country: U.S. - United States State: NV - Nevada County FIPS: ...
ZIP Code: 70802-7080 ZIP Code5: 70802 Weburl: HTTP://WWW.CRT.STATE.LA.US/LOUISIANA-STATE-MUSEUM/INDEX Address Example 660 N 4TH STREET BATON ROUGE LA70802-7080 USA Envelope Example This is an example of a US zip envelope. You can use a 5-digit zipcode or a detailed 9-digit zipcode...
Czech Republic -Czech Republic- (in English). Also a link to download postal code files ("Postcode retrieval") Denmark -Denmark- (in Danish) Denmark -Denmark- (in English) Dominican Republic -Dominican Republic- (in Spanish) Estonia -Estonia ...
Explore Las Vegas Zip Code 89104 Map and Social, Economic, Housing & Demographic Characteristics in 2025.
The application can find international zip codes, and France zip codes. If you want to use the application for other countries than France, no problem! Use the International research. You don't need to search for the same code every time!
The application can find international zip codes, and France zip codes. If you want to use the application for other countries than France, no problem! Use the International research. You don't need to search for the same code every time!