英文州名(缩写):New Jersey (NJ) 区号:201 – 609 – 732 – 856 – 908 – 973 主要城市: 1、纽瓦克(Newark) Zip:07101~07108、07112、07114、07175、07182、07184、07188、07189、07191~07195、 07197~07199 2、泽西市(Jersey City) Zip:07097、07302~07311、07399 3、大西洋城(Atlantic City) Zip:084...
英文州名(缩写):New Jersey (NJ) 区号:201 – 609 – 732 – 856 – 908 – 973 主要城市: 1、纽瓦克(Newark) Zip:07101~07108、07112、07114、07175、07182、07184、07188、07189、07191~07195、 07197~07199 2、泽西市(Jersey City) Zip:07097、07302~07311、07399 3、大西洋城(Atlantic City) Zip:084...
This is the Jersey Vlg ZIP Code page. Jersey Vlg is a city name in Harris, Texas, United States. The city name is designated by USPS, it could be a city, town,village school name, etc.
This website includes English version of the national postcode in all regions of the world countries, zip code, primary language is English, also provide multiple language versions of the Code inquiry.
This website includes English version of the national postcode in all regions of the world countries, zip code, primary language is English, also provide multiple language versions of the Code inquiry.
New Jersey Zip Codes Zip Code Search Find zip codes fast with the Zip Code Search. Enter a city and state in the search box below to find all the zip codes in that city. Reverse Zip Code Search Find cities fast with the Zip Code Search. Enter an zip code into the search box below...
The City Zip Code Maps of New Jersey from ZipCodeMaps are valuable busines tools that are available in several formats - wall maps for your office, conference room or classroom, easy-to-use map books and convenient digital maps for use on your computer.
美国邮政编码 (ZIP Code)是美国邮政服务 (United States Postal Service, USPS)使用的一种邮政编码,一般常以大楷写作ZIP。ZIP是Zone Improvement Plan (地区改进计划)的简称,它暗示邮件可以以更有效率及快捷地送到目的地。最基本的ZIP编号包括五个号码,随后增加了四个号码,使邮件可以更精确地传送到目的地。增加号码...
如上图所示,不同的颜色代表了不同的区域板块,0-9一共十个区域板块,作为ZIP CODE的第一位数字, 0开头的邮编为以下几个州或者地区: Connecticut康涅狄格州, MassachuseTTs马萨诸塞州, Maine缅因州, New Hampshire新罕布什尔州, New Jersey新泽西州, Puerto Rico波多黎各, Rhode Island罗得岛州, Vermont佛蒙特州, Vi...
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