最近试了一把用Python完成文件压缩的代码: 用cmd执行之后,发现zip命令在Windows平台不能执行 因为zip命令是Linux系统中的,后来找了一圈,找到了“...://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages.html.在我们这个实例中,要用到的是zip命令,所以我们要找到GnuWin32zip的安装包这一步需要在http ...
The Unarchiver Cmd Tools 支持的编码格式 问题描述 Mac 下通过 右键菜单中的 Compress 生成的压缩包,在 Windows 下解压缩可能出现乱码,如下图所示。 知乎上关于这个问题的 解答 是 Mac OS X 系统自带的压缩程序对 zip 文件名用 UTF-8 编码,但 zip 文件头中没有声明 PKZIP 高版本增加的 Unicode 位。Windows...
...ZIP文件fp.write(subpath) elif isdir(subpath): #如果是子文件夹就先写入子文件夹名 #然后再递归调用函数...#把所有文件都压缩进入ZIP文件fp.write(subpath) addFileIntoZipfile(subpath, fp) def zipCompress...with ZipFile(desZipfile, mode='a') as fp: addFileIntoZipfile(srcDir, fp) #...
Python中可以用于对文件和目录进行操作的内置模块包括: 模块/函数名称 | 功能描述 | open()函数 | 文件读取或写入 os.path模块 | 文件路径操作 os模块 | 文件和目录简单操作 zipfile模块 | 文件压缩 tarfile模块 | 文件归档压缩 shutil模块 | 高
1 .Jar file won't open Related 657 How can I create an empty file at the command line in Windows? 667 How do I measure execution time of a command on the Windows command line? 688 Install an apk file from command prompt? 857 How can I redirect Windows cmd standard output and sta...
File.delete zip_output if File.exist? zip_output zip_cmd = "#{%Q<Zipit.exe "#{zip_output.encode("GBK")}" -r+ -cp 932 "#{zip_input.encode("GBK")}">}" puts "the path to zip is:\n\t" + zip_input; puts "the target path is:\n\t" + zip_output; ...
How to get zip and unzip on the windows command line Download the freeWindows executables: (for Linux, seebelow) toextract zip files on the command line, downloadunzip.exe here. this file is a copy of the original Info-ZIP unzip.exe version 5.52, provided for free under theInfo-ZIP lice...
ZIP.CMD destination.zip source.file And it can zip only single files. 2. Using Shell.Application I've spent some time to create a single jscript/batch hybrid script for common usage that zips/unzips files and directories (plus few more features).Here's a link to it (...
1] Use an alternative Zip File Extraction Tool The built-in utility in Windows can work well inzipping and unzipping zip files. However, in some cases, thePath too long Error 0x80010135can occur because the tool cannot handle a particular zip format. To get around this limitation, you can...