UBI - Zinsco Circuit Breaker Tests Total # Double Pole UBI Breakers Tested41 Breakers Failing to Meet UL 135% Trip Requirement4100.0% Critical Safety Failures (no trip @ 200%) * Subset of the 135% no-trip total1*25.0% Notes to the table above ...
(leicht verkrSiemens Simatic S5 6ES5 464-8MC11 6ES5464-8MC11HI-BREAK Circuot Breaker Cat.No.THED 136100Siemens Simatic S7 6ES7133-1BL01-0XB0 6ES7 133-1BL01-0XPILZ PA-1NK/3s/FBM:10KΩ #445224 -neu-Phoenix Contact MCR-S10-50-UI-DCI-NC - versiegeltSiemens 3VL2710-2DC33-0AD1...