Get your music on Vietnam’s top music player Zing MP3 and get paid every time someone listens to your music. Zing MP3 is Vietnam’s leading free music player with millions of listeners. It’s the top source of music for digital listeners in Vietnam. We’re proud to be partnered with...
ZingMP3 downloadsare all ones that are entirely free, contrary to other MP3 downloads, which may cost you a little bit of cash. They operate because you only need to register to their online membership system and upload your MP3 files. Then, they will create afile from the same and let...
if(function_exists('disk_free_space')) { $ret['server']['disk']['value'] = floor(disk_free_space(IA_ROOT) / (1024*1024)).'M'; } else { $ret['server']['disk']['value'] = 'unknow'; } $ret['server']['upload']['value'] = @ini_get('file_uploads') ? ini_get...