Exchange StephenOwusu-Ansah* Abstract—Thisarticlereportsontheresultsofanempiricalinvestigationofthetimelinessofannualreportingby 47non-financialcompanieslistedontheZimbabweStockExchange.Italsoreportsonthefactorsthataffecttimely reportingbythesecompanies.Theresultsofadescriptiveanalysisindicatethat98%ofthecompaniesinthesampl...
and concludes by mapping a socio-economic roadmap for reform and recovery. After an introductory bio-professional note, the chapters cover: The Invisible Hand's Dirty Politics; The Market Economy as a Casino Economy; Corrupting Banking and the Stock Exchange; Illegal Sanctions as Terrorism; When ...
The Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) has a long functional history having been established in 1896 and strategies have been adopted to enhance the financing potential of the market (Nyangara, Ndlovu and Tyavambiza 2016). With regard to bank market development, the ratio of bank credit to bank ...
zimbabwe stock exchange the companies cover all the sectors of the economy spanning from agro industrial banking and financial services mining manufacturing retail property and tourism sectors zimbabwe has recently emerged from a decade of economic contraction and world record hyper inflation the ...
whose registered address is in Harare It started as a private l imited l iabi l ity company,which converted into a publ ic company in 2005 It was registered on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange in February 2006 after launching a very successful Initial Publ ic Offer (IPO) to the investing publ...
Download PDFOK Zimbabwe Limited is a leading customer oriented retail Group registered and publicly listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange with diverse interests in OK, OKmart, Bon Marche’, Food Lover’s Market, Alowell and Vimbai Capital OK Zimbabwe Limited is a home grown business founded and ...
I was allocated land near the irrigation plot in exchange of looking after the irrigation infrastructure. I do not have a crop field at the moment, but I was allocated a piece of land in the community irrigation plot. I also use a portion of land from my uncle’s plot in the village....
15 5 5 Withholding taxes On dividends distributed by a Zimbabwean resident company to resident shareholders other than companies and to non-resident shareholders: By a company listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange By any other company Informal traders Foreign dividends 10 15 10 20 Non-residents' ...
but do not explicitly include it in the agreement (2 marks) 3 The Stock Exchange's listing rules require that all relevant information known to a company's directors which would be likely to lead to a substantial movement in its share price should be notified to the Stock Exchange without ...
This article is motivated by a study which was carried out on stability of beta on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange (ZSE) using the Chow test. The objective of the study was to examine the stability of beta on the ZSE. The analysis in this article utilized two...