ARCHIVES ABOUT “Zimbabwe Situation” ADVERTISEAuthor: ZimSitRep_M1 2 3 … 7,398 10 / 73979 POSTSthe latest articles Karoi has potential for growth: Lead planner December 10, 2024 Source: Karoi has potential for growth: Lead planner -Newsday Zimbabwe In an interview with NewsDay, Mapika, ...
'We are hoping that they will be taken to court today or Friday,' Bvudzijena said on Thursday. The detainees face charges of misrepresenting to the Harare government that they had the capacity to mine diamonds at the field, which experts describe as one of the biggest diamond finds of ...
HARARE, Zimbabwe (AP) — It is only a few hours since Zimbabwe’s schools closed for month-long August holidays, and 13-year-old Tanyaradzwa is already milling outside a bar “doing business,” he says. He hawks cigarettes outside a dingy downtown bar in the capital, Harare, and for...
The situation was further exacerbated by the ongoing dry spell. The World Food Program (WFP) warned last Tuesday that more people in Zimbabwe will likely require emergency food aid during the lean season when rural households face grain shortages while waiting for the harvest. The government, in ...
The company warned that unless the payment situation is rectified, it expects to be out of stock of baking flour later this week. "National Foods continues to work with the authorities to resolve this foreign payment issue. We would like to reassure you that we have a full pipeline of both...
They become untouchable. That is what they do with power. It only takes good men and women to put themselves at risk and challenge the status quo for abusing power and neglecting national interests. If the good men and women remain silent in a morally bankrupt situation, then they themselves...
current situation: Zimbabwe is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of forced labor and sexual exploitation; large scale migration of Zimbabweans to surrounding countries - as they flee a progressively [source] ...
pattern. First, the acquisition of large tracts of land by white settlers for commercial agriculture, until shortly after World War II resulted in a situation in which half the land was owned by well under 1 percent of the population, with limited access to land for the vast majority of the...
That over, I really did want to get out of the hotel for dinner, so I grabbed a hotel car toPariah State bar/grill in Barrowdale. I hadn’t had enough time to read up on the taxi situation, and while the hotel car price seemed a bit high at $25, it was a 20 minute ride and...
Or more pointedly, why is Zimbabwe reported and portrayed to be where it is today? Zimbabwe: West Desperate to Unseat President May 14, 2008 - The Herald (Harare) ...the MDC is in collusion with the US administration and the British government, who both acknowledge that they are working ...