The modes of acquisition in Zimbabwe include a merger as envisaged by the COBE Act (Chapter 24:31), takeover bid through a tender offer where an offeror presents an offer to shareholders, major asset transactions involving public companies where such a company acquires or disposes of a significa...
According to statistics by the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions, over 100 companies have closed shop since 2014, causing the loss of 10 000 jobs annually. In 2014, the Registrar of Companies struck off more than 176 companies off the register and deregistered over 634 companies after they fail...
RegistrarofCompanies; vi.Proposeddirectors(FormCR14)dulyauthorisedbytheRegistrarof Companies; vii.Proofofavailabilityofminimumpaid-upsharecapitalintheformofbank statementinthenameoftheproposedinstitution,andproofofthesources ofthefunds; viii.Abusinessplan,whosecontentsaredetailedhereinunder;and ...
She also wants the court to nullify the appointment of Mujuru and her daughters as directors and shareholders of Dahaw. Dei Campo wants the Registrar of Companies to cancel the CR6 and CR11 filed with Vali Chartered Company Secretaries. No related posts....
“Zimra will also access different third party information databases like the Registrar of Deeds and Companies, Zinara, NSSA, Zimstat, RBZ (Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe) and other banks to bring unregistered tax payers into the database and grow our tax base,” she said. ...
WHOIS REFERRED : CONTENT PAGES IN THIS WEBSITE 0 SSL EXTERNAL LINKS 105 SITE IP LOAD TIME 0 sec SCORE 6.2 PAGE TITLE Web Design Zimbabwe | Web development Zimbabwe | Web Dev Zimbabwe | Free Web Hosting Zimbabwe | ...
casu), I have directed the Registrar of the High Court to bring this judgment to the attention of the Law Society of Zimbabwe so that legal practitioners are alerted to prevalence of this obnoxious practice which threatens to erode confidence in our judicial system in unopposed divorce matters ....
He said the study found that corruption remained high in key public institutions like the Vehicle Inspection Department (VID), public hospitals, courts and the Registrar General’s Office, which issues passports, birth and death certificates. ...
"They will apply at least three months before expiry of their registration and will be obliged to disclose any material changes in the particulars they gave the Registrar when they were granted registration or when their registration was last reviewed," the Microfinance Amendment Bill read. ...
Secure a domain for your website from a reputable registrar.Step 2: Hire a Web Designer. Engage a professional to develop your website using HTML technologies. Example: Web Entangled Zimbabwe.Step 3: Buy a Web Hosting Server. Choose a reliable hosting provider for storing and serving your ...