HARARE, March 27 (Xinhua) -- The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC) has expressed concern over the prolonged industrial action by doctors and urged the government to ensure that an agreement is reached to ease the suffering of the sick. "ZHRC has taken note of and is concerned about ...
The economic achievementsnotwithstanding, the unity government was a troubled one: the MDC factions and ZANU-PF struggled to agree on many issues, and Tsvangirai denounced ongoing human rights violations. Under the terms of the 2008 GPA, a new constitution was initially expected to have been draft...
With the efforts that the US is exhibiting in trying to establish a uni-polar world, the US can never be a barometer of perfection with respect to democracy and human rights. If anything, the US is an antithesis of the things that are critical on matters of democracy and human rights. A...
However, academic Brilliant Sigabade Mhlanga said this was a clear sign selective representation. He wrote on his Facebook wall : "Oh, I thought the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights also knew that Paul Siwela, John Gazi, & others deserved to be represented, in their treason case, without t...
Journal of Human Rights and Social Work (2023) 8:376–388 https://doi.org/10.1007/s41134-023-00271-2 Religion, Women, and Girls' Rights in Zimbabwe: the Case of Zimbabwe's Johanne Marange Apostolic Church Cornelius Dudzai1 · Kwashirai Zvokuomba2,3 · ...
its diamonds on the international market last year because of human rights abuses at the hands of the military controlling Chiadzwa. But despite evidence of ongoing abuses, the KP has refused to take strong action against Zimbabwe, and instead of banning the country, gave it time to fall in...
In a message for Zimbabwe's political leaders, he said: "Our position has always been that if they engage in the constitutional reforms, economic and political reforms, and move forward to protecting political space and the human rights, then we can start the dialogue on lifting sanctions." ...
The Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum released a report on political violence on Tuesday, charging that ZANU-PF has mounted a “countrywide terror campaign” which mainly targets rural dwellers thought to have voted for the opposition. It said a “substantial number of senior army officers are the...
ZIMBABWE: Academics dominate new human rights bodyFrom a special correspondent
Key sources reporting on such trends include the Zimbabwe Peace Project, a local church and NGO coalition that monitors violence and human rights violations; and the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project, which tracks and codes conflict-related events and trends in countries across the globe...