“Eight High Court judges were on notice and the judges, both at the High Court and Supreme Court, are also against the former Chief Justice’s decision to have all judgements submitted to him for review.” The tribunal that is trying Justice Erica Ndewere to determine her fitness for offic...
If a provision of these terms of use is determined by any court or other competent authority to be unlawful and/or unenforceable, the other provisions will continue in effect. If any unlawful and/or unenforceable provision would be lawful or enforceable if part of it were deleted, that part ...
Word of the law Zimbabwe is a rare country whose Constitutional Court has established a legitimate right for military coups. Few have paid attention to the judgements of the High Court and the Constitutional Court concluding, in effect, that Section 212 of the constitutiongave the ...
seekers back to Zimbabwe because their lives would be at risk, the Home Office continues to petition the Court of Appeals to reverse the AIT judgements. The Home Office appears to be pursuing a 'wait and see' strategy, hoping perhaps that Zimbos will give up their fresh appeals the situation...
“Cde Chinamasa started shaking the judicial mountain” when he questioned Supreme Court judgements, Huni tells us. He conveniently omits to mention that the onslaught on the judiciary followed the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn President Mugabe’s attempt to block MDC electoral appeals. ...
Chiweshe's record tantamounts to mediocre accomplishment especially considering that he only delivered 5 judgements in 4 years while his peers like Justices Luke Malaba and Rita Makarau delivered 50 and 88 judgements respectively. Preliminary results from interview process already showed Chiweshe at the...
Late October last year, the judges wrote a letter to Mnangagwa complaining that Chief Justice Luke Malaba was interfering with their duties by ordering them to submit their written judgements to him first before passing them in courts. "President Mnangagwa should work to restore public confidence ...
The outcome of Court the SC and High Court judgements have clearly leveraged the MDC-T led by Dr Thokozani Khupe and put the MDC Alliance into an invidious position. Dr Tapiwa Mashakada The MDC Alliance has lost the lawfare related to the political conflict almost serially. We can say our ...
Malaba is under siege from his juniors among High Court and Supreme Court judges who have written to President Emmerson Mnangagwa saying he was an overbearing boss who was interfering with judgements in their courts. But responding to Zengeza West MP Job Sikhala during parliament’s question and ...
Procedure and Evidence Act (CPEA) to suspend the bail order which had been granted to Hon. Mwonzora and the villagers.This reactionary but predictable invocation of Section 121 of the CPEA suspends thebailorder for seven days pending the filing of an appeal by the State in the High Court. ...