The history of the socio-economic and political development of Zimbabwe during 1980-2007 would certainly be incomplete without including gospel music. Until about the mid-1980s, the general atmosphere in the newly-independent state of Zimbabwe was characterized by liberation euphoria and great optimism...
The article critiques Mathias Mhere's gospel music from an Afrocentric perspective within the context of complexities and maladies that have impacted negatively on the majority's livelihoods in Zimbabwe's post-2000 period. The maladies have seen society marshalling different strategies and oral art ...
Mapuranga, T and Chitando, E. 2006. Songs of healing and regeneration: Pentecostal gospel music in Zimbabwe. Religion & Theology 13(1):72-89. Accessed on 2006/11/08
This paper is a critical analysis of the witchcraft beliefs in Pentecostalism in post-colonial Zimbabwe. While Pentecostals claim “a complete break from the past”, there have emerged new dimensions that show that the belief in witches and witchcraft is