LEGAL think-tank Veritas has questioned the removal of driver's licence as proof of identity in the proposed Electoral Bill that was approved by Cabinet last week.Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services minister Monica Mutsvangwa said the amendments included the timeframe within which ...
Moving beyond the general patterns and drivers of change, the next blogs will delve into some of the details of enterprises found in each of the three towns, exploring their origins, clientele, business strategies and links to agriculture. This is the first in a short blog series prepared by ...
hence the adoption of e-PDL (electronic provisional driver's licence) examination of prospective learner drivers would obviously go a long way in curbing such cases. "So far we are upgrading our computer systems for the programme which the VID has pencilled soon. The new...
Summary of solid waste management issues shown using the drivers-pressures-state-impacts-responses (DPSIR) Potential benefits of managing landfills basing on safety health environmental quality (SHEQ) management systems in Zimbabwe Conclusion Recommendations on how to introduce SHEQ management systems in lan...
In the words of Schleicher (2019, p.10), “history shows that countries with the determination to build a first-class education system can achieve this even in adverse economic circumstances and their schools today will be their economy and society tomorrow.” The P21 and OECD (2019) point ...
roadworthy vehicles. “The department is also expected to use its own drivers in order to minimize damage on hired vehicles,” said Sibanda. CMED officials declined to comment referring all inquiries to Transport Minister Nicholas Goche who declined to talk to Studio 7. ...
Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Crea- tive Commons licence, and indicate if changes were ...