Census 2022: Preliminary Report, Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency, Harare, Zimbabwe. 2022. Teta C, Hikwa T. Heavy metal contamination of ground water from an unlined landfill in Bulawayo Zimbabwe. J Health Pollut. 2017;7(15):18–27. Article Google Scholar Nhubu T, Muzenda E, Muhamed ...
ZIMSTAT. Census 2022: preliminary report. Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency; 2022. Google Scholar Chirisa I, Bandauko E, Matamanda A, Mandisvika G. Decentralized domestic wastewater systems in developing countries: the case study of Harare (Zimbabwe). Appl Water Sci. 2017;7:1069–78. Article...
According to the most recent National Population Census the total population of Gweru was estimated at 158 233 (73 768 males and 84 465 females) and a total of 41 149 households (Zimstat, 2012). The city is divided into low, medium and high density residential areas with the largest ...
ZimParks spokesperson Tinashe Farawo said the animal census was going on very well. “We are grateful to our partners who have sponsored the whole exercise. The enumeration programme has been going on very well. After completing the exercise here, they will go to Botswana,” Farawo said. Zi...
Accessed on 10 October 2020 at https://www4.unfccc.int/sites/ndcstaging/PublishedDocuments/Zimbabwe%20First/Zimbabwe%20First20NDC.pdf. Google Scholar Zimstat 2012 Zimstat Census 2012, Preliminary Report Zimbabwe Census Office, Harare (2012) Google Scholar...
ZIMSTAT (2022) 2022 Population and housing census preliminary results. Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency, Government of Zimbabwe. https://zimbabwe.unfpa.org/en/publications/2022-population-and-housing-census-preliminary-results#:~:text=The%20population%20of%20Zimbabwe%20as,males%20for%20every%20100...
Therefore, this was classified as a census type of sampling and recruitment of respondents as we took all those that were available on that particular shift [23]. Data collection tools Data on incident trends were collected from registers using a checklist designed to capture critical information ...
The study was carried out in Harare, the capital of Zimbabwe. The city has an area of 940 km2and a population of 15,178,979 based on the 2022 census [24]. The participants were adolescents aged 14 to 19 years attending secondary schools in Harare. Harare has 299 high schools with a ...
ZIMSTAT. Population and Housing Census (Volume 1). 2022. Available online: https://www.zimstat.co.zw/wp-content/uploads/Demography/Census/2022_PHC_Report_27012023_Final.pdf (accessed on 6 August 2023). Mukungurutse, C.; Nyapwere, N.; Manyanga, A.; Mhaka, L. Pedological Characterizati...