cd /opt/wiki wget '' tar -xzf 'kiwix-tools_linux-x86_64-3.0.1.tar.gz' mv 'kiwix-tools_linux-x86_64-3.0.1' 'bin' Run kiwix-serve, passing it a port to listen on and your ZIM archive file ...
title:hello -body:world searches for notes whose title contains hello and body does not contain world. tag: Restrict the search to the notes with the specified tags. tag:office searches for all notes having tag office.tag:office tag:important searches for all notes having both office and ...
The introduction of Zhejiang University to the UZFMHS culminated in the opening of communication between the two educational institutions through online meetings leading to the visit by the delegation from Zhejiang that culminated in the signing of MoU. "We are grateful to Stanbic for introducing us...
Dr. Sayed Ibrihim Founder of SprinJene “Once I discovered, I was amazed at how many options I had with suppliers from all over the world.” Ron Williams and Tonja Williams Founder and CEO (respectively) of ...
海老川机设分享(第七期)出自《海老川兼武 Design Works》 图源:-射命丸文- Bgm: World's Smallest Violin 最近没怎么发自己做胶的种种,是因为在憋个大活😇 当然机娘也还在涂装就是了 #胶佬 #模型 #高达 #机甲 65 托朋友翻的学院机手型 还行。我感觉真的还可以 虽然指尖因为气泡整缺了一块 但也能补...