Tracking shipments from logistics companies worldwide easy now. Track - Trace your ZIM Shipment by using our free advanced tracking system and get latest updates of your shipment / Parcel / Courier / ePacket instantly on your screen. We are provides Container Tracking, EMS Tracking, Courier Track...
跟踪货件 请输入提单号,订舱号或箱号 请最多输入10个编号(订舱号、提单号或集装箱号均可),用逗号、空格或回车键隔开。通过箱号,提单号或订舱号来追踪您的货物Dear Customer, the information presented on ZIM’s tracking tool is based on various data sources, including third party data sources. There...
訂艙 和 運輸說明 線上預訂您的ZIM運輸 當地費用 顯示與在原始或目的地處理運輸單據相關的成本 延滯費費率 計算集裝箱延遲或返回的費用 關稅(Tariff Calculator) 利用我們的關稅計算器查看運費 EcoData Calculator 查找每條路線的船隻排放估值 e-貨櫃 (eContainer) ...
Tracking: APDU container tracking Company: APL container shipping and ocean freight Tracking: APHU container tracking Company: APL container shipping and ocean freight Tracking: https://www.cma-cgm....
请在上方搜索文本框中输入以星航运集装箱号(ZIM ContainerNo),点击"跟踪"按钮,查询以星航运集装箱信息。 如果在本网站查询不到以星航运的集装箱信息,请您到以星航运船公司官网查询,或者与我们联系! 支持以星航运集装箱查询格式:ZIMU1234567 或 ZCSU1234567 或 ZCLU1234567 或 ZMOU1234567 注册成为本网站会员,...
"Goods" - means the whole or any part of the cargo carried under this Waybill received from the Shipper, including any Container not supplied by or on behalf of the Carrier. "Vessel" - means the vessel named on the face of this Waybill, or any substitute thereto, and any vessel, feeder...
在2017 年被任命為 ZIM 總裁兼首席執行官的 Eli Glickman 的領導下,公司開始了深刻且細致的轉型過程,並於 2021 年初在紐約證券交易所成功上市,這既是 ZIM 75 年歷史上的一個重要裏程碑,也是一個重要的轉折點。 新的ZIM是一家具有現代精神的數字化航運公司,專註於為客戶提供創新,敏捷和以客戶為中心的航運解決...
The expansion of the refrigerated container fleet will support the growing demand for ZIMonitor, ZIM's premium reefer cargo tracking service ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd. (IL0065100443; IL0065100856) today announced the expansion of its refrigerated container fleet in order to answer the dema...
online, real time container tracking, vessel schedules and local contacts. ZIM’s mobile application enables easy and intuitive access to a large range of cargo shipping services, just for you, including myZIM Personal Area, Container Tracking, Find Your Route, Vessels Schedule, Find Local ...
By Vessel Berth Best Regards Yours Sincerely ZIM KOREA AS AGENT OF ZIM INTEGRATED SHIPPING SERVICES *Arrival times may be subject to changes and cannot be guaranteed by the carrier, as also indicated in the Bill of lading Terms and Conditions- as available in ZIM website at: www.zim.comNE...