Rejected registration of tracking number msg string The description information corresponding to the service status code or other auxiliary description information. traceId string shell curl --request POST \ --url \ --header 'Track123...
Phone number connected to a customer’s printer. Numeric string including country-specific dialing codes. Optional N/A 43 Container tare weight The weight of an empty container. Gross container weight described as a numeric string where the unit of measure must be specified (imperial or metric)...
Phone number connected to a customer’s printer. Numeric string including country-specific dialing codes. Optional N/A 43 Container tare weight The weight of an empty container. Gross container weight described as a numeric string where the unit of measure must be specified (imperial or metric)...
Phone number connected to a customer’s printer. Numeric string including country-specific dialing codes. Optional N/A 43 Container tare weight The weight of an empty container. Gross container weight described as a numeric string where the unit of measure must be specified (imperial or metric)...
Phone number connected to a customer’s printer. Numeric string including country-specific dialing codes. Optional N/A 43 Container tare weight The weight of an empty container. Gross container weight described as a numeric string where the unit of measure must be specified (imperial or metric)...
Phone number connected to a customer’s printer. Numeric string including country-specific dialing codes. Optional N/A 43 Container tare weight The weight of an empty container. Gross container weight described as a numeric string where the unit of measure must be specified (imperial or metric)...
Phone number connected to a customer’s printer. Numeric string including country-specific dialing codes. Optional N/A 43 Container tare weight The weight of an empty container. Gross container weight described as a numeric string where the unit of measure must be specified (imperial or metric)...