1,100+ portable packages, 1.1 billion downloads No Ads Nov/Dec/Jan!, Pleasedonate today Zim Desktop Wiki for Windows 0.54 Dev Test 1 Application:Zim Desktop Wiki Category:Office Description:Zim is a graphical text editor used to maintain a collection of wiki pages. Each page can contain link...
Main repository of the zim desktop wiki project. Contribute to zim-desktop-wiki/zim-desktop-wiki development by creating an account on GitHub.
Zim - A Desktop Wiki Editor Zim is a graphical text editor used to maintain a collection of wiki pages. Each page can contain links to other pages, simple formatting, and images. Pages are stored in a folder structure, like in an outliner, and can have attachments. Creating a new page ...
Zim Desktop Wiki是一款开源的桌面维基软件,旨在帮助用户方便地创建和管理个人知识库,它的设计灵感来自于传统的维基百科,但为了满足个人使用的需求而进行了一系列的优化。用户可以通过Zim创建富有层次的内容,并将信息以方便的方式组织和分类,从而实现高效的知识管理。 核心功能 Zim Desktop Wiki具备许多强大的功能,使其成...
Zim Desktop Wiki是一款桌面wiki维基系统,在这款软件中你可以任意的记录自己的内容,可以创建笔记、插入图片、新建待办事项等等。需要的用户快来下载吧! 软件介绍 Zim是款功能相当强大的wiki维基系统;也就是大家经常说的桌面笔记本,帮助用户快速的完成笔记的创建,而且根据您的需求来对笔记的相关分类名称输入,并且可以对待...
Zim -desktop wiki Program: Zim -Desktop wiki License: Open Source/GPL / Perl Artistic Licence Description: A very good desktop wiki. Website: http://zim-wiki.org/ Other: Instructions for windows install; http://zim-wiki.org/Install/Windows.html & http://dewarim.de/wms/programme/installi...
Zim Zim - A Desktop Wiki Home Zimis a graphical text editor used to maintain a collection of wiki pages. Each page can contain links to other pages, simple formatting and images. Pages are stored in a folder structure, like in an outliner, and can have attachments. Creating a new page ...
搭建部署 wiki 环境准备 操作系统:Centos 7 软件:docker / gitlab / jenkins(blueocean 版本) 安装 gitlab $ docker run -d -p 443:443 -p 80:80 -p 222:22 --name gitlab --restart always - .. 498 4 年前 新姿势:在 GitHub 基于 Hexo 写 Wiki 最近想尝试下用 Hexo 写 Wiki ,发现还挺...
如果你想让界面变成中文,需要设置环境变量LANG为zh_CN。对于采用windows portable版本的用户,可以在ZimDesktopWikiPortable\App\AppInfo\Launcher\ZimDesktopWikiPortable.ini这个文件里面设置。详细说明在这里: Setthe language for the portable version. 如果你对Zim里文字的显示风格不满意,可以修改~/.config/vim/style...
i created an issue at https://github.com/jaap-karssenberg/zim-desktop-wiki/issues/185 to get in touch for cooperation if desireddev0 2017 年8 月 21 日 09:47 3 perhaps you might look at qownnotes, which is still in active development, zim seems to be end of life. Additional to th...