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In sociological studies of friendship, children's friendships in the Chinese context have not been explored thoroughly. To contribute to closing this gap, this article places children's peer friendships in a rural Chinese primary boarding school context and focuses on exploring Chinese Confucian鈥揷...
Zicron SHRIMP U-Pb dating of Wuliangsitai A-type granite on the northern margin of the North China Plate and tectonic significance华北板块北缘乌梁斯太A型花岗岩体锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年及构造意义 LUO HongLing,WU TaiRan,ZHAO Lei,罗红玲,吴泰然,赵磊 Keywords: The northern margin of the North China ...
(1932), The winds and the upper air currents along the China Coast and in the yangtse valley. By Father E. Gherzi, S. J., Zi-ka-wei Observatory; Catholic Mission Press, Tou-sé-wé, Shanghai, 1931. Royal 4to. PP. 240 with 28 pages of diagrams, 2 plates and 12 charts. Price ...
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Structural Evolution of Chepaizi Uplift and its Control on Stratigraphic Deposition in the Western Junggar Basin, Chinastructural evolutionseismic sectionJunggar BasinChepaizi UpliftNorthern TianshanGeological mapping, interpreted cross sections, structural analyses and residual thickness maps were used to ...